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7 Things to Do When You Don’t Want to Watch Netflix

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

The default thing for many of us to do is watch Netflix or TV, but that can get boring after a while. Here are some things that you can do that do not involve sitting and watching something on a screen.

1. Go outside.

There is so much in Winona that you can do outside such as walk around the lakes, play frisbee golf at Lake Park, and take in the general beauty of Winona by walking downtown.

2. Cook something.

You know all those fun foods you’ve pinned on Pinterest? Try some of them out! Want it to cost less money? Try to find a recipe that you already have most of the ingredients for and see if maybe your roommate(s) want(s) to get in on the fun. If so, maybe they could buy the rest of the ingredients.

3. DIY project.

Getting back to Pinterest, take one of the many rainy day projects that you have pinned and actually do it! You can get the supplies cheap from the Dollar Store or Wal-Mart. Let your imagination go wild with this!

4. Clean.

So yeah, cleaning may not be fun, but it is important to do. A clean room makes me feel more productive, which makes me feel better. It’s also a mood booster, and who doesn’t love a good mood booster?!

5. Write.

Writing is a great way to destress and think more about certain things. Her Campus is primarily a writing-based club, but it is also a great way that we, as writers, can spend time less time  looking at a screen. Writing is a great way for a person who may not be visually artistic but can put words on some paper.

6. Coloring.

Coloring is a great way to waste time–trust me. I received an adult Disney coloring book and I spent at least two hours working on a single picture (which I still need to complete).

7. Reading.

Call me old-fashioned, but sometimes all you need is chill music, coffee, a blanket, and a good book to waste some time. I used to be an avid reader, but stopped because I discovered Netflix. Now I tell myself that I need to read at least 30 minutes a day so I can finish my book and give my eyes some rest from that electronic light.

Those are my top seven things to do when I don’t want to watch Netflix. Hopefully you use some of these ideas next time you need a break–and not just a Netflix break.

Meet Linsey Taylor, one of the campus correspondents for the Winona State Her Campus chapter. Linsey is a senior majoring in Therapeutic Recreation with a minor in psychology and hopes to become a child life specialist with her degree. In her free time, Linsey enjoys reading, watching Netflix, and hanging out with friends and family.
Hi I'm Emily and I'm from Appleton, Wisconsin! I'm a Mass Communication- Advertising student, with a minor in Art History at WSU. I like concerts, hockey, cooking, and dancing in the car. I also enjoy guacamole, french fries, and caramel iced coffees from Dunkin' Donuts. All I really want to do is travel the world, move to a big city, and spend my weekends on a lake. IG & Twitter @esheptoski