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5 Ways to Jumpstart your Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

I have always been a morning person. Ever since I was little I would always be the first one up in my family or at a sleepover. When you aren’t rushed and have time to do things in the morning, it can make your day a lot better. I put together a list of five things that I do to jump-start my day.

1.    Wash your face.

Not only is it good for your skin, but washing your face in the morning is so refreshing. Using cold water is very refreshing and always wakes me up more. Clean & Clear sells a morning energy face wash that energizes your skin. The citrus fragrance is gentle and awakens your skin for the day.

2.    Make your bed.

Trust me, I know how horrible it sounds to make your bed in the morning but it is worth it.  Once you finally get yourself up, throw on your favorite song and take three minutes to make it. For some reason making my bed in the morning makes me feel like I have my life together for a second. Also, nothing is better than getting into your nicely-made bed at the end of a long day.

3.    Work out.

I’m still personally working on this one. It is a good idea but it is hard to get yourself to the gym especially in the morning. Working out in the morning gives you so much energy to make it through the day. If you work out in the morning, it is out of the way and you don’t have to worry about going later when you just want to relax. The Integrated Wellness Complex opens at 6am on Monday-Friday, 10am on Saturday and noon on Sunday.

4.    Eat breakfast.

I am sure you are always hearing “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Well, it’s true. Your body and brain need the protein and energy to carry you through the day (or at least until lunch). One of my go-to breakfasts is yogurt with a banana in it, a piece of toast with peanut butter, and of course coffee. Eating a good breakfast will keep you from getting hangry and we all know how bad that can be. Oh, and nothing is worse than your stomach growling in class.

5.    Wake up at the same time everyday.

My classes don’t start at the same time every day so I used to wake up at different times on different days. Last semester I decided I was going to start waking up at the same time every day and I love it. I like to wake up about two hours before I have to leave. This gives me the chance to look over my schedule for the day, eat breakfast, make coffee, and just relax before I start my day. If you have trouble waking up early, just ease into it. Every week start waking up 10 minutes earlier and you’ll be a morning person in no time.

This is Gabriella Ingebrand: Junior at Winona State University majoring in Advertisement. She is a master when it comes to wasting time on Pinterest and making a mess while baking in the kitchen. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Winona, President of Dream Closet Winona, Communication Specialist for AdFed, and Social Media Chair for her sorority. All in all, Gabriella is a free spirit always trying to have a good time.