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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

When you think of the word ‘literature,’ it may not seem like the most appealing word and I don’t blame you. The word is intimidating to some and even boring to most. However, this is a subject that I’m very passionate about and am always excited to talk about. Given this platform, I want to share some reasons as to why everyone should invest in literature. Being more invested in literature has changed my life and hopefully, one or some of these reasons will inspire you as well! 

Finding Comfort in Characters 

By far, the best feeling when reading is when you connect with a character. Connecting with a character is one of the most empowering and beautiful feelings. It makes you feel as if you made a new friend in between the pages of your book. It’s also cool when you can relate to what characters are going through; your feelings are validated and it’s a beautiful thing. 

Makes You More Emphatic 

This relates to finding comfort within characters. When you get to know other characters in the books you’re reading, you get to read about experiences different from yours. Whether it’s a memoir, biography or even fiction, you are always learning more about the people around you. Learning about different perspectives through literature has changed how I view life and the world around me.

It Helps to Improve Your Writing Mechanics

Whether you’re studying a subject in the humanities or science, writing is important in any context. The more you invest in literature, reading and writing, the better your writing will get. For example, you’ll see how authors use specific styles to articulate their thoughts. Being invested in literature also helps you to improve your vocabulary, which will become very helpful in your writing, no matter the job you have in the future!

Inspires Your Storytelling

As a writer myself, reading new materials always inspires the way I want to tell stories in my life. Whether I’m writing poetry for fun or for an essay for one of my classes, reading always inspires the next metaphor that I use to enhance the way I tell stories and help people understand them better. 

It Can Make You Feel More Relaxed

When you’re stressed, reading and writing can be a great way to escape your thoughts. This is something I’ve done since I was a little girl and I find it really helpful, especially during or after stressful situations. Being able to express your thoughts through writing or even escaping into a different story world always does the trick for me and hopefully for you as well! 

A Great Way To Make Friends

Another great feeling is when you and another person can talk about the same book or piece of literature; it’s even better when you share similar feelings about it! In my experience, this has led me to becoming friends with so many people who are passionate about the same stories as me. It can also connect with how you both see the world in a similar light, which is beautiful in its own right.

Overall, these are reasons why everyone should be invested in literature. Literature is a beautiful thing and everyone should have the opportunity to experience the outcomes it provides by investing in it. Happy reading and writing!

Sophia Guardado

Wilfrid Laurier '25

Sophia is an English Literature student at Wilfrid Laurier University. On her free time, you will catch her reading books, taking long nature walks or at the gym!