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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

I’ve been unable to avoid the never-ending social media posts about Boo Baskets and I’m sure you have too. I first saw them at the beginning of October and thought they were just the cutest things ever. Halloween isn’t like some other holidays in terms of gifts and as someone whose love language is gift-giving, I’ve been patiently waiting for my own.

If somehow you haven’t had these videos infiltrating your TikTok and Instagram explore pages, let me give you a quick rundown of what a Boo Basket is. While I’m not entirely sure who started this little trend, the first video I saw was of a young woman showing off her goodie basket to her followers. She explained that she was having a rough day and her boyfriend decided to get her a basket of some of her favourite things to cheer her up. She looked so thrilled, and the gifts were simple yet meaningful. Simply put, it’s basically a Christmas stocking, but for Halloween!

Now here comes the tricky part of the Boo Basket: what to fill it with. Luckily enough, I think I’ve watched enough Boo Basket TikToks to make me an expert in this exact field. And thus, my Boo Basket master list; everything you might want to fill up your Boo Basket with!

A Fuzzy Blanket

You really can’t go wrong with this one. Who doesn’t love to snuggle up, all warm and cozy, with a fuzzy blanket? Bonus points if you get a Halloween-themed one! It’s perfect for a chilly fall afternoon!


Another classic! Of course, the expectation is that you find either super warm and fuzzy socks or socks that are fall-inspired. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Scented Candles (Preferably Fall Ones!)

I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who would turn down a nice-smelling candle. Hopefully, you know the person you’re shopping for well enough to know what scent to give them, but if not, I’ve got a short list of great Bath and Body Works ones! “Flannel,” “Pumpkin Apple” and “Sweater Weather” are winners for sure.

Stuffed Animals

Did I hear someone say Squishmallows? Cute little plushies are definitely a hit, no matter the holiday or season. They’re super easy to find too, which makes them a perfect little addition to a Boo Basket. Walmart, Indigo and even Dollarama have super cute plushies that match any theme you’re going for!


Who doesn’t love a little treat? My friends and I agree that a little treat is an absolute must for getting through a stressful day, and what’s more stressful than fall midterms? I promise you, no matter who you’re buying for, everyone loves (and needs) a little treat.


I can’t even begin to explain the excitement of a new pair of pyjamas. Of course, the best ones are the soft and fuzzy ones from Bluenotes (hint hint!). If you’re feeling extra spooky, you can even get yourself a matching pair!

A Handwritten Card

In my personal, expert opinion, gifts should always be accompanied by a card. Cards are like the finishing touch to a gift and make it that much more personal. While you don’t necessarily have to make the card by hand (but if you’re artsy or in a crafty mood, go for it!), a sweet little message shows your person how much you care about the gift you’re giving them!

A Good Basket

I’m putting this one last on the list because it’s the most important and I want it to be fresh in your mind! The basket itself is the largest part of the Boo Basket, which means it needs to be on theme. If you’ve decided to follow the Halloween theme, make sure your basket is also Halloween-themed (Dollarama and Walmart are life savers for all things holiday-themed)! If you’ve stayed fairly neutral, have your basket reflect that. It’s the small little details about a gift that people will notice, and this will definitely be one of them!

As an adult, the excitement around Halloween has definitely changed. There’s no more trick-or-treating, and as a non-party person, Halloween has just become like any other day. A Boo Basket is a fun and simple thing that might be the perfect way to add some excitement and magic back into the holiday! If you’ve got about an hour to spare, I implore you to take on this little challenge (if you dare!!)

Abigael Chalmers

Wilfrid Laurier '25

Hi! My name is Abby Chalmers (she/her) and I'm a writer for Her Campus WLU. I'm a third-year student at Wilfrid Laurier, majoring in Communication Studies. I enjoy writing about life and love sharing my interests and opinions with others! When I'm not writing, you can most likely find me creating yet another Pinterest board!