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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Let’s face it, as much as we may not like to admit it, we all fall for trends. I have definitely caught myself scoffing at magazine covers or article titles claiming “this is the next big trend!” … and then later rocked it myself. While I may give in to some fashion trends (I will NEVER accept that low-rise/flare jeans are back. Never!), there are some beauty trends that I just cannot accept. 

Most of these trends can be quite cool for editorial looks or the runway, but Instagram needs to stop all of the mini-tutorials that encourage viewers to rock these trends on the daily (though I can’t deny that I do watch a lot of them; we all have guilty pleasures okay?!). While I can’t imagine showing up to class with sparkles in my hair and fuzzy nails, to each their own!

Disclaimer: if you actually like these trends and enjoy wearing them out, more power to you! I am merely commenting on the strange beauty trends and voicing my opinions of them. If you like rockin’ feathered brows, you go girl. 

Applying makeup with anything besides something that makes sense (bonus points if it’s unsanitary or dangerous!)

I think we have all seen the videos going around Instagram and Facebook of people applying their foundation with the most random objects, such as condoms, bra padding, and food. Not to mention the people contouring with kitchen utensils or Louboutin’s… 

Did anyone else see that picture of a girl who applied her foundation with her boyfriend’s balls?! No, I will not be adding in a gif of that, you nasties. 

Nails that are incredibly inconvenient

Nails have been extremely popular throughout the last couple of years, and have introduced countless different trends, but 2017 nail trends have gotten a little too crazy for my taste. Some of the craziest designs I have seen include furry nails, fidget spinner nails, pierced nails, and nails designed to look like you, with hair and all! 

Crazy eyebrows

I think we can all agree that the during the past couple of years the beauty industry has been obsessed with eyebrows. We have seen the rise and fall of a few trends, but 2017 has got to have had some of the strangest brows yet. Feathered brows came first, and while maybe I’m slightly jealous that mine aren’t thick enough to even try this trend if I wanted to, I think they’re incredibly weird and creepy looking (they remind me of centipedes tbh). Next came wavy brows, which I can’t even begin to comprehend. We’ve spent the past few years perfecting our straight brows and now you’re telling me to just squiggle all over my face?! No, thanks. I’ve also seen a few McDonald’s brows which I’m praying are just a joke. Seriously, look them up and try not to laugh, I dare you. The latest weird brow trend we’ve been seeing is the braided brow, which is probably the silliest one considering its literally impossible to do and we all know the photos are photoshopped!

Glossy eyelids

This trend is cool for editorial looks, but imagine sitting in class with goopy eyelids that start dripping down your face. Ick. 

Fake freckles

I’m still undecided about this trend because they can be cute, but I also feel like the trend can be offensive to people with freckles. You can wash them off, we can’t. Plus, most of the time they look incredibly fake. I’d say pass on this one unless it’s for a doll costume. 

Blinging highlight

Don’t get me wrong, I love my highlight. But seeing people walking around with a giant shiny metallic streak on their face is just a little too extra for my tastes. Glowing is nice, but being a shining beacon might cause a traffic accident. 

Also, the trend of straight up glitter as “highlight”. I’ve mostly seen this from festival looks, but it still looks a little weird. Wouldn’t you sweat and get it everywhere? 

Glitter in your hairline

Seriously people, what is with the glitter? It’s fun for crafts, but I bet it took you a solid 3 months to wash that out of your hair. Same goes for glitter beards. Cute for a photo, but way too inconvenient in real life. 

Lollipop lips

Another look that works for editorials but not for everyday life. Who wants to look like they messed up their lipstick and are just unaware of it?? Wavy lips are also the latest on Instagram, but that seems to be popular among the people matching them to their wavy eyebrows. 

Huda Beauty’s entire Instagram account

I’m sure most of us have seen her account and fallen down the rabbit hole of scrolling. She has all the latest (and weirdest) trends on there, so if you’re looking for more weird and inconvenient beauty looks, I’d recommend stalking her page! 

Final thoughts on 2017 beauty trends:

Madeleine Prentice

Wilfrid Laurier '19

Madeleine is a fourth-year double English and Medieval and Medievalism Studies major at Wilfrid Laurier. She spends the majority of her time rambling about makeup, memes, and medievalism. On an average night, you can find her snuggled up with her cats watching Netflix and browsing the latest trends on social media. 
Emily Waitson

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Emily is a twenty-something fourth-year student majoring in English and History. She has a passion for writing, internet-famous cats, and sappy books.