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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

On February 15th, I found myself actually excited to be up and ready to go at 4:30am for once. It was time; I was finally on my way to Jamaica! This spring break, I was lucky enough to be invited on a trip to Jamaica with my boyfriend and his family; with 11 of us in total, it was sure to be a great week.

Pre-trip preparation:

Jamaica 2016 was my first out-of-country trip without my own family, and my first vacation with my boyfriend. I can’t go anywhere without being fully prepared, so I started packing two weeks before our departure date. I packed everything I could possibly think of – after all, it’s better to be over-prepared than to have forgotten something important. Packing wasn’t the only thing important to do before I had to leave; obviously a pedicure with a bright summer colour is essential for any tropical trip! All this preparation made sitting in class that much harder, knowing that in a few short days I would be leaving the -25 degree weather and heading for the sun and sand.

Taking Off:

We all groggily loaded our suitcases into the cars and headed to the airport. It was my first time flying in 8 years, so I’m sure you can imagine both my nervousness and excitement. After a few hours of check-in lines and security, we were on the plane, ready to take off. I forgot how scary it is to leave the ground in a giant metal machine. My boyfriend was happy when we were finally in the air so I could stop squeezing his hand! Once we were in the air, I was ready for the 4 hour flight with Mindy Kaling’s latest book, a Cosmo magazine, and the in-flight movies. I would have loved to catch up on some sleep, but trust me, there isn’t a comfortable way to sleep on a plane.


We landed in Jamaica in early afternoon. I could not believe I was finally there! As soon as we stepped out of the Jamaican airport, I could feel the warm air touch my skin and the sun on my face – I was in heaven. Our reservations for the week were at the Grand Palladium Jamaica in Montego Bay, and after a short drive from the airport we arrived at the resort. Everything was beautiful – the pools, the beaches, the music, and of course the sunshine. We quickly headed to our rooms and changed into our bathing suits, and then my boyfriend and I headed out to explore the massive resort.

The resort was filled with so much to do, like paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkelling, and soccer. Whatever you wanted to do, you could find it somewhere on the resort; we were set for the week. We had days that were full of activities and we had our lazy sun days. There is no better way to relax in Jamaica than on a beach with a Piña Colada in your hand! We were lucky enough to have amazing weather our entire trip, and by the second day I was already tan and wanting to stay there forever. The food was delicious, the weather was perfect, and the people we met were all so friendly. I never wanted to leave. Travelling with my boyfriend was an incredible experience; I was happy that I got to share the wonders of Jamaica with someone I love. It was an experience we will be able to share together for years to come.


There was also a benefit in travelling with such a big group; with 11 people, you always have people you know and are able to do activities with. I’m lucky I was able to travel with such an awesome group of people. It definitely made it that much more fun!

Coming home:

Packing my bags to leave Jamaica was the hardest thing I had to do that week. As the plane lifted off the ground, heading for Canada, I was overwhelmed with the bittersweet feeling of leaving paradise but getting to see my family and friends. It was nice coming home to familiar faces and getting to sleep in my own bed, but part of me will always be longing for the tropical weather in Jamaica.

If you’re travelling anytime soon, whether it is alone or with a large group, take pictures! After your tan fades and you finally get all of the sand rinsed out of your clothes, the memories and pictures are all you will have left. 


Spring Break 2016 was well spent, and I can promise that won’t be the last time I’ll be visiting Jamaica. Until then, it’s back to snow and textbooks!

You can find Rachel hanging out with her hedgehog and binge watching Netflix. She's a third year student at Laurier completing a double major in Sociology and Philosophy. This is Rachel's first time writing for Her Campus, she is excited and eager to experience all that HC has to offer!
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Emily Webster

Wilfrid Laurier

You will typically see me with a large cup of tea and browsing social media under the fairy lights and reading up on my favourite lady bosses (Mindy Kaling let me be you please). Also my trivia regarding superheroes is endless. I have more music than time to listen to and someone definitely should consider taking away my blogging privileges. My love for pop culture is limitless and Netflix is the true MVP in my opinion. Contributor writer for HerCampus Laurier Stalk me and let's be friends here: Insta & Twitter: webofem