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Signs that You’ve Found the One

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

In the immortal words of rock legend and female role model Pat Benatar, “love is a battlefield.” So, when is it worth getting caught in the crossfire and risking getting hurt? Every so often, someone will come into your life that you want to stick around. But how do you know if they’re the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? These are some tips to narrow down those fish and reel in a keeper. 

You know their parents well. 

You’re on a first-name basis and you’re always invited to all the get-togethers. Maybe you even live with them. Either way, your love isn’t a secret from them, and you never need to hide it when they’re around. 

You’re silly around them. 

It’s not that you can be silly around them, it’s that you are. You can’t control the goofiness and silliness. Life’s too short to be stuck with someone that you can’t let loose with. 

You can talk about the future — and your future together. 

Do you want to get married? How about having kids? Do you want to get a dog or a cat? If these questions scare you, maybe you’re not all that close yet. 

They support your dreams, even if theirs don’t always align. 

You’ll figure it out as it comes, but no one should ever have to give up their goals or ambitions for their partner to love them. Your partner should support your goals, even if it might mean some compromise. 

Everything they do is annoying. 

Would you STOP breathing? I’m trying to study! Their little ticks might drive you bonkers, but it’s just because you spend a ridiculous amount of time together. Despite this, you love them anyways.

You’re not afraid to say no to them. 

From which movie to watch to consent in bed, if you’re not comfortable enough to say no to them, they’re not worth your time. 

Both of you do nice things for each other just because you love each other. 

There doesn’t need to be a reason to buy lunch or put on their favourite song. They want you to be happy, so they do what will make you happy without always being asked. 

You can order anything off the menu.

What’s that commercial? “Women can’t survive on spinach alone.” If you’re going to spend the rest of your life with this person, you better be able to get messy. 

You have similar taste in memes. 

Like it or not, memes show a lot about a person and their sense of humour. If you find the same things amusing, you’ll have things to laugh about for years to come. 

You feel genuinely happy with them. 

No fake smiles, no self-doubt. This person makes you happy, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. 

Madeline McInnis

Wilfrid Laurier '19

Madeline graduated from the BA+MA program at Wilfrid Laurier University in 2020. In her undergraduate degree, she majored in Film Studies and History with a specialization in film theory. She later completed her Master's of English degree, where she wrote her thesis on the construction of historical memory and realism in war films. If you're looking for a recommendation for a fountain pen or dotted notebook, she should be your first line of contact.
Emily Waitson

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Emily is a twenty-something fourth-year student majoring in English and History. She has a passion for writing, internet-famous cats, and sappy books.