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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Winter’s coming and that means that it’s getting dark early and the seasonal depression is kicking in. It can be hard getting through the winter months, especially after the holidays pass. So, let’s tackle those winter blues together and make this season the most enchanting and affordable time of the year. Grab your cozy socks and let’s dive into the ultimate guide for budget-friendly winter fun!

DIY Winter Crafts

Embrace your creative side by engaging in do-it-yourself winter crafts. From handmade snow globes to personalized ornaments, crafting is not only budget-friendly but also a therapeutic way to spend those chilly evenings indoors.

Outdoor Ice Skating

Many cities set up outdoor ice rinks during the winter months, offering an affordable way to enjoy the classic thrill of ice skating. Grab your friends, bundle up and hit the rink for a day of laughter and graceful glides!


Spend a day baking winter treats like cookies, cakes or gingerbread. Not only will your home smell amazing but you’ll also have delicious snacks to enjoy!

Winter Hiking and Nature Walks

Explore the serene beauty of winter landscapes with a hike/walk. Nature reserves and parks transform into winter wonderlands, providing an opportunity for breathtaking views, crisp air, a dose of exercise and a great opportunity for a winter photoshoot!

Cozy Movie Nights

Transform your living space into a cozy haven for movie nights. With streaming services and affordable snack options, you can create a cinema experience at home. Invite friends for a movie marathon or enjoy a solo movie binge!

Host a Potluck Dinner Party

Gather your friends for a budget-friendly potluck dinner party! Each guest brings a dish, creating a diverse and delicious spread without putting a strain on anyone’s wallet. It’s a fantastic way to share good food and great company.

Visit a Local Winter Festival

Many communities organize winter festivals complete with festive lights, music and seasonal activities. Check out local event calendars for budget-friendly winter festivals that offer a delightful atmosphere for you and your friends.

Indoor Game Night

Gather your favourite board games, card decks and puzzles for a fun-filled game night. Invite friends over, whip up some affordable snacks and let the laughter and friendly competition begin!

Winter Reading Challenge

Create a winter reading challenge for yourself. Use your local library for free access to a vast array of books or any books that may be collecting dust on your bookshelf! Set a goal to read a certain number of books over the winter months, making it a rewarding and budget-friendly activity. You could also coordinate a book swap with friends. It’s another cost-effective way to discover new reads without spending a dime!

Snowy Adventures

If you’re in a snowy area, take advantage! Go sledding, build a snowman or have a friendly snowball fight. It’s an excellent way to embrace your inner child and enjoy the winter wonderland. Plus, don’t forget the best part… having a hot chocolate when you come back inside!

Winter is a season of endless possibilities, and you don’t need to spend a fortune to make the most of it. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast or prefer the warmth of indoor activities, these budget-friendly ideas will help you savour the magic of winter without emptying your wallet!

Kylie Squire

Wilfrid Laurier '24

Kylie is a 4th year student at WLU studying French with a minor in History. When she’s not busy studying, she loves to read, write, daydream about travelling the world and listen to One Direction on repeat.