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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Christmas is my favourite time of year and anyone who knows me knows that I will talk about the joys of Christmas ‘til the day I die. I think it stems mostly from the magic my parents put into it when I was a kid. I remember waking up on Christmas morning and waiting in anticipation at the top of the staircase for my parents to get up. I’d go check the cookies and carrots I’d left out the night before for Santa and the reindeer, throw on a Christmas movie and start unwrapping my presents.

My parents both worked so hard to keep that magic alive for me until I was old enough to tell them I didn’t believe in Santa (I have to admit, I was a hardcore Santa believer way longer than any of my friends). It’s always been a really happy time of year for me and the love I have for the holiday hasn’t even slightly changed, no matter how old I’ve gotten. One thing that makes Christmas feel as magical as it did when I was a child is the movies I watch and the nostalgia that ensues as a result. Of course, Christmas cookie baking, music and decorating help keep that magic around, however, the movies I can remember watching as a kid (as well as the new ones I’ve grown to love) are what make Christmas feel like Christmas.

I’ve been making Christmas watchlists for about three years now and each year they look slightly different as I learn about new Christmas movies (which I didn’t think was possible!). I’ve always started the list on November 25th and ended it on December 25th, giving myself one whole month of Christmas movies! Each movie has been carefully considered and has been placed with intention. I have to admit, I think this year is one of the best lists I’ve made. Hopefully, at least some of these will help make Christmas feel like it did when you were a child too! One word of warning, and bear with me, this list is quite long but definitely worth the read.

November 25th: Little Women

Some people can argue this isn’t technically a Christmas movie and, while I agree, it does have pretty good Christmas and wintery scenes. I usually prefer the 1994 version with Winona Ryder and Christian Bale, but you are free to watch whichever version means the most to you!

November 26th: While You Were Sleeping

This one is underrated but deserves a spot on the list. It’s the first real Christmas movie and, once you get past the awkwardness at the beginning, it’s super wholesome!

November 27th: The Princess Switch

I hate saying I enjoy this movie, but I really do like it. It’s probably because it’s so Hallmark-coded and there’s no actual conflict in the movie. It’s just a happy-go-lucky Christmas movie with lots of holiday baking.

November 28th: The Princess Switch 2

If we’re watching the first movie of this series, we might as well watch them all! But for real, I enjoy this movie as well. I’ll give credit where credit is due: Miss Vanessa Hudgens did a pretty good job of playing British triplets.

November 29: The Princess Switch 3

I have a problem with starting a movie series without finishing it, so the third instalment of The Princess Switch needed to be included here. It’s honestly not bad, you just need to really look at it from a Hallmark perspective.

November 30: The Knight Before Christmas

This is the last Vanessa Hudgens Christmas movie, I promise. It’s just super silly and it’s not a movie you have to think too much about. It’s kind of a background movie to play while you’re starting your Christmas decorating, which is perfect for the Christmas vibe.  Plus, you don’t have to worry that you’re missing anything too important (I know that sounds mean but once you watch it, you’ll see what I mean)!

December 1st: Let It Snow

This is the one and only actual Hallmark movie. I stumbled across it a few years ago on the Hallmark channel around Christmas time and it has become my absolute favourite Hallmark Christmas movie. It’s super cute and so aggressively in-your-face Christmas; what’s not to love?

December 2nd: Love Actually

With a cast lineup this good, what’s not to love? Surprisingly though, I know quite a few people who haven’t experienced the joy that is Love Actually, which is why it’s placed so high. Why would I want to wait any longer? It also does a really good job of showing what Christmas looks like for a wide range of people, which I just love so much!

December 3rd: The Christmas Chronicles

This is a pretty new movie but it’s cute and Christmassy all the same. It deals with a pretty dark topic and definitely shows the importance of family around the holidays. If that’s not enough, Santa’s played by the one and only Kurt Russell! The only downside is the elves. I don’t care what anyone says, CGI animals and creatures are creepy.

December 4th: The Christmas Chronicles 2

With the only exception being the elves (and Goldie Hawn’s really bad acting), this is a really good sequel to the first Christmas Chronicles. It’s silly and fun and takes place right at the North Pole!

December 5th: The Grinch (1966)

Technically titled, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, the 1996 version of The Grinch, is always a favourite. This version is fairly short (only about 30 minutes) but it’s a classic that I remember watching with my dad every year!

December 6th: The Grinch (2000)

This is arguably the best version of The Grinch. I don’t know if it’s Jim Carrey’s portrayal of the Grinch or the fantastic job on the set design of Whoville but this is pretty much the perfect Christmas movie. I did keep it up higher on the list as there does need to be a balance; I can’t always save the best for last!

December 7th: The Grinch (2018)

I won’t listen to anyone else’s opinions; this version of The Grinch was good. I think Benedict Cumberbatch did a really great job with his voice acting and, paired with Pentatonix’s cameo, I’d say it was a good remake!

December 8th: Christmas Mail

I won’t say too much about this one because I don’t want to give too much of it away. All I’ll say is that you need crappy low-budget Christmas movies for balance!

December 9th: Muppets: A Christmas Carol

Everything about this movie is perfect and it’s definitely one of my favourite movies from my childhood. The songs are brilliant and catchy, the story is amazing and of course, watching Muppets characters I know and love portray a cute Christmas story about love and giving is super fun!

December 10th: Noelle

I watched this for the first time this year (during my Christmas in July moment) and was surprised at how good it was. I think I was expecting it to be a cheesy musical, but it was nothing like that at all. It was quite deep and really captured what it feels like to be the daughter of a family.

December 11th: Four Christmases

While this isn’t my favourite Christmas movie (I’m not a big Vince Vaughn fan), I won’t deny that it does have a pretty good message and a pretty solid cast lineup. I mean, Reese Witherspoon, Kristin Chenoweth, Jon Favreau, Mary Steenburgen and Tim McGraw, it’s hard to avoid it.

December 12th: Last Christmas

Like Noelle, before watching this I kind of assumed it would be kind of a cheesy musical. Again, I was wrong (I need to stop assuming that, I guess). This movie was amazing and super Christmassy. It also had a twist ending that somehow made the Christmas magic even more powerful!

December 13th: The Family Man

This is an underrated Christmas movie, but it’s one of my favourites. The Family Man has a kind of It’s a Wonderful Life theme to it and we get a chance to see what life would’ve been like for Nicolas Cage’s character if he’d stayed with his first love. It’s super cute and if you have an obsession with Nicky Cage like me, you’ll absolutely love it!

December 14th: The Santa Clause

I’ll admit, I only watched this for the first time a few years ago but I love it! It really feels like Christmas, and I feel like a lot of that comes from the scenes in Santa’s workshop. It’s super child-friendly and reminds me of the excitement for Christmas I felt as a kid.

December 15th: The Santa Clause 2

Now, regardless of how strict I’ve been about finishing movie series, this is one movie series that I won’t finish. As Christmassy as this movie is, I had a hard time getting past the reindeer and just couldn’t do it another time. It’s a good movie once you get past the uncomfortable animals though!

December 16th: The Holiday

The last 10 movies on this list are more classics from my childhood and, when I think of Christmas, these movies embody its whole essence. If you haven’t already seen it, The Holiday is one of the best movies about learning to love yourself and choose the people that will change your life for the better (and with Jack Black too!)

December 17th: Spirited

Spirited came out about a year ago but I think I’ve watched it about 10 times. It’s so fun and it’s so different from other Christmas movies. It’s hard to create a new Christmas movie that doesn’t follow the same storyline as another but Spirited does a great job at doing just that. And, as a bonus, the soundtrack is phenomenal!

December 18th: Arthur Christmas

This movie has more of a personal meaning to me and I don’t imagine it would be as high on anyone else’s list. It’s surprisingly one of the only cartoons on this list but it deserves its moment to shine. It’s not as well-known as a lot of the others on here but it’s worth the watch!

December 19th: Miracle on 34th Street

This one shouldn’t come as a surprise as it’s one of the greats. Now, there are a few versions of this movie, but my favourite is the 1994 version with Mara Wilson (Matilda). It never fails to make me cry and it’s just perfect at creating Christmas magic.

December 20th: Elf

It’s not Christmas without Elf and the super magical feeling that follows this movie gives it its place on December 20th. It’s funny, heartwarming, silly and basically everything you would want in the perfect Christmas movie.

December 21st: Home Alone

This is another series that doesn’t get played in its entirety. Part of that is because the first movie is my favourite and part of that is because there are six of them and they just get absurd and dumb. This movie definitely pushes the importance of family, but it does so while still recognizing that having family and friends around the holidays is a luxury and that’s why I love it so much!

December 22nd: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

There is so much to love about this movie, but I think one of the most memorable moments happens during the opening and closing credits. Something about Mavis Staples singing Christmas Vacation is just so festive and, paired with a story about how hectic things get at the holidays, it just feels like I’m watching my own life during Christmas.

December 23rd: Klaus

This is another new one, but it deserves a spot in the Christmas Hall of Fame. Like Spirited, Klaus managed to be different from other Christmas movies I’d seen before. It’s funny, it’s sad, it’s perfect and it’s exactly what’s needed to ring in Christmas Eve Eve!

December 24th: It’s a Wonderful Life

Regardless of how many times I remake this list, this movie’s spot never changes. It’s a Wonderful Life used to play in theatres on Christmas Eve and I’d watch it every year with my mom. When I was younger, I never really understood its meaning but now that I’m older, I know how important it is to be grateful for what you have and to not take anything for granted, two themes that are deeply explored in this movie.

December 25th: The Polar Express

And finally, to ring out the season, The Polar Express. This movie has always been magical for me and no matter how old I am, it will remain as magical as it was when I was seven, eight, nine and so on. This, like It’s a Wonderful Life, will always keep its spot on Christmas Day. The movie ends on Christmas morning, and it just seems like the perfect way to say goodbye to such a great holiday! And if you need more convincing to watch this movie, Josh Hutcherson voices the main character!

So, there you have it, the ultimate One-Whole-Month-of-Christmas-Movie-Watchlist (I really need a better name for it). Obviously, there are movies I missed and I’m sure not everyone is going to agree with my choices but if you’re looking for a place to start your holiday season, hopefully this can help! Merry early Christmas girlies!

Abigael Chalmers

Wilfrid Laurier '25

Hi! My name is Abby Chalmers (she/her) and I'm a writer for Her Campus WLU. I'm a third-year student at Wilfrid Laurier, majoring in Communication Studies. I enjoy writing about life and love sharing my interests and opinions with others! When I'm not writing, you can most likely find me creating yet another Pinterest board!