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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

If any collegiettes are like me, the stress of exams has been taken out on our nails far too many times. We promise ourselves we’ll kick the bad habit, but come exam time our nails are the primary target. Not to worry, collegiettes; the key to putting this habit to rest is to grow healthy, strong nails and to channel a more productive outlet for anxiety. Her Campus is here to fill you in on the best possible ways to keep your nails long and strong all the way through exams!

1. Use strengthening nail polish

The best tip I’ve found throughout the years is to invest in a gel, strengthening nail polish. This type of nail polish helps to keep your nails healthy and to grow out to a nice length to help avoid biting.

2. Use cuticle oil

Cuticle oil is key to keep hydrated nail beds, minimize hangnails, and keep the nails nourished. Try Essie’s Apricot Cuticle Oil or Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream, and apply as needed throughout the day or before bed. 

3. Keep your hands hydrated

Hydration is essential to promote nail growth and to keep the hands soft and nails healthy. Try Soap & Glory’s Hand Food or The Body Shop’s Almond Hand & Nail Cream. 

4. Get a manicure

A trip to the nail salon is a well-deserved break during the stress of exams. A fresh manicure will give you an incentive to stop biting and also keeps your hands and nails groomed to perfection.

5. Buy new nail polish colours

An alternative option to an expensive manicure is to invest in some spring nail colours! Pick up a few pastel colours to keep your nails looking flawless and to create further reason to avoid biting.

6. Take your vitamins

Vitamin deficiencies weaken the nails and make them more prone to breakage. Keep up with your multi-vitamins or invest in iron, zinc, and vitamins B and C to promote nail growth.

7. Relax

Challenge yourself to find a new way to channel your anxious energy far away from your nails. Pick up a healthy habit such as yoga classes or listening to calming music to keep the stress at a minimum.

You got this collegiettes; take on your upcoming exams with complete confidence and gorgeous nails to match! Good luck with your studies! HC xo

Olivia Di Pede

Wilfrid Laurier

Olivia is a fourth year English major with the Management Option at Wilfrid Laurier University and a Style Blogger for Her Campus. In her free time she can be found taking yoga classes, scavenging Sephora and creating content for her personal lifestyle blog. She is a perpetual reader, frequent dancer and lover of the sea. Follow her on instagram @oliviadipede and follow her journey at http://oliviadipede.com
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Emily Webster

Wilfrid Laurier

You will typically see me with a large cup of tea and browsing social media under the fairy lights and reading up on my favourite lady bosses (Mindy Kaling let me be you please). Also my trivia regarding superheroes is endless. I have more music than time to listen to and someone definitely should consider taking away my blogging privileges. My love for pop culture is limitless and Netflix is the true MVP in my opinion. Contributor writer for HerCampus Laurier Stalk me and let's be friends here: Insta & Twitter: webofem