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My Top 3 Friends Thanksgiving Episodes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Friends has become well-known in the households of many ever since the first season aired. Some of the best episodes have been ones relevant to the season, and Thanksgiving is no exception (especially since it is such a big deal in America). To celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, here are my top three Friends Thanksgiving episodes to watch this season.

1. ‘The One with Chandler in a Box’ (Season 4, Episode 8)

In this episode, Chandler tries to show Joey that he is a good friend after taking Joey’s previous girlfriend, Kathy, by staying in a box for six hours through Thanksgiving dinner. This episode received first place from me because of how ridiculous it is – plus, the hilarity of Chandler’s lines while not being able to stay silent in the box is amazing. Additionally, Monica getting ice in her eye and having to see her ophthalmologist, who happens to be her ex’s son, is amazingly unfortunate. 10/10, a must-see during every Thanksgiving season.

2. ‘The One Where Underdog Gets Away’ (Season 1, Episode 9)

We all know the feeling of Thanksgiving plans going terribly awry. This episode demonstrates just how wrong things can go. Originally planning to have Thanksgiving dinner together, Monica and Ross’s plans change as each of their friends join them due to their own Thanksgiving plans getting being thwarted – Rachel is unable to be in Vail with her family, Joey’s family believes that he has V.D., Phoebe isn’t celebrating Thanksgiving until December and Chandler hates the holiday. Things only progress further downhill when the group gets locked out of the apartment after going to the roof to see one of the Thanksgiving parade balloons that had gotten loose. The most relatable part of this episode? Having grilled cheese sandwiches for Thanksgiving dinner (the reality for a university student that doesn’t go home for Thanksgiving). I rate this episode 9/10.

3. ‘The One with the Late Thanksgiving’ (Season 10, Episode 8)

Part of the final season of Friends, ‘The One with the Late Thanksgiving’ involves Monica being forced to cook Thanksgiving dinner after getting a bad response when she voices that she doesn’t feel up to hosting that year. To add insult to injury, the rest of the group shows up late, making her even more frustrated. Rachel and Phoebe enter Emma (Rachel and Ross’s daughter), into a baby beauty contest where she wins $1,000. Ross and Joey go to the Rangers game and arrive at Monica and Chandler’s apartment at the same time that Rachel and Phoebe do – much later than they were asked to be there. Desperate to get their Thanksgiving celebration back on track, the group outside of the apartment tries to apologize to Monica and Chandler (to no avail). All of this concludes with Joey getting his head stuck in the apartment door and Monica’s meal getting destroyed when the group manages to get Joey free and he falls face first into the table. This episode is hilarious, and I especially enjoy Chandler’s insistence about his cranberries (chanberries) being the most important part of Thanksgiving dinner – 8/10.

There are my top three Thanksgiving Friends list episodes – some honourable mentions go to ‘The One with All the Thanksgivings’ (Season 5, Episode 8) and ‘The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs’ (Season 7, Episode 8). Both  of these are good episodes as well – but not good enough to make it into my top three. (How can you include an episode of a show where someone doesn’t like dogs?!) I hope you enjoy watching these episodes (or re-watching them if you are a hardcore fan like me)! Happy Thanksgiving!

Bronte Behling

Wilfrid Laurier '23

A second year Cultural Studies and Film Studies double major student at Wilfrid Laurier University, Bronte has had a passion for creative writing since middle school where she took an online summer course about J.R.R Tolkien's the Silmarillion. A cat lover, Star Wars fan and podcast enthusiast she aims to gain more writing experience through this publication in order to pursue her post-degree goal of becoming a journalist.
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Sarah McCann

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Sarah is a fourth year Communications and Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University who is passionate abut female empowerment. She is one of two Campus Correspondents for the Laurier Her Campus Chapter! Sarah loves dancing, animals, photography, ice cream, and singing super obnoxiously, in no particular order.