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Life > Experiences

Meet the Exec: Director of Finance/Secretary Amanda Romano-Paret

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

It’s day three of our ‘Meet the Exec’ series, and we’re learning more about our Director of Finance & Secretary, Amanda! She’s our behind-the-scenes saviour, helping to keep the rest of the team organized. We love having her on the executive team, and after reading her profile, you’re sure to understand why! 


Amanda Romano-Paret

Year and Program:

2nd year BBA!

Where can people find you on social media?

Ig: @amandalexandra__

When did you initially join HCWLU, and what team were you on?

I joined in my first year on the events team. It was the first club I was ever involved with on campus.

What is your go-to outfit for school?

Jeans and a hoodie!

What is your go-to study drink?

Honestly just regular orange pekoe tea.

What is your go-to pastime?

I’m either always reading a book or watching YouTube.

What is your go-to TV series/movie?

I LOVE How I Met Your Mother!

What is your go-to hype song?

Te Boté with Nicky Jam, Bad Bunny and Ozuna

What is your favourite social media platform?

Definitely insta, I’m on it way more than I’d like to admit

What are your plans for the future?

I want to own a dance studio!

What motivated you to become an executive for HC this year?

I thought it would be a really good way to become close with more of the members (I was right).

How do you balance being a Her Campus executive with other commitments?

I am old-fashioned and have a pretty big physical planner

What is your favourite article from the semester?

I loved How to Become a Productivity Queen!

What is your favourite memory from this past semester?

The Hot Chocolate Bar was so fun, and it made me get into the festive spirit while exams were beginning

What are you most looking forward to next semester?

We have so many fun events planned you’ll have to keep an eye out for!

And that’s Amanda! We’re so glad that she’s gotten so much out of her time with HC so far, and we’ve gained so much from having her around too! If you want to reap in some of the same benefits, be sure to keep looking out for our hiring posts, which will be out next week!

Rebecca is in her 5th year at Wilfrid Laurier University.  During the school year, she can be found drinking copious amounts of kombucha, watching hockey and procrastinating on Pinterest. She joined HCWLU as an editor in the Winter 2018 semester, and after serving as one of the Campus Correspondents in 2019-20, she is excited to be returning for the 2020-21 school year! she/her