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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

University life is all about speed and convenience, so we often don’t put thought into helping the environment — but I promise, it’s easier than it sounds! With spring upon us, check out these tips and see what you can incorporate into your daily routine. 


One of the easiest things to do is simply reduce your waste. Purchase a reusable water bottle and fill it up at stations all over campus. There is honestly no need for plastic water bottles anymore. If you invest in a travel mug, you can save 40 cents anywhere on campus when you buy a drink, plus save all of that waste!

Avoid paper plates/utensils where possible too. Taking the few extra minutes to wash your dishes (or just throwing them in the dishwasher) will save you money and waste. Buy a few reusable bags for your grocery store trips. They are less likely to break and can carry more, plus you won’t end up with that random cupboard of a million plastic bags. Lastly, only print assignments when it is necessary — look at all that paper you can save! You can cut down on paper towel usage as well by using a sponge or a dishcloth. 


Buy snacks in bulk, at places like Costco or Bulk Barn, and take them to campus in Tupperware containers. Small snacks use a ton of unnecessary packaging that could be eliminated. Split with roomies if that helps! Try having “Meatless Monday’s” or at least one day a week (preferably more) where you don’t eat meat. This saves tons of water and energy. Try to eat local when possible, which is of course much easier in the spring and summer. 


Recycle on AND off campus and educate yourselves on the recycling program in Waterloo. More can be recycled than you think! We even have on campus events to recycle batteries and other e-waste, and there are clothing donation places all over the city.  


When you’re at home, whether that is an apartment, house or residence building (you might have a bit less control here) you can be environmentally friendly too. Purchase LED light bulbs if you don’t already have them and ask your landlord about a water saving shower head. Turn lights off when you leave the room, it saves energy and valuable money! Turn the heat down a degree or two, it’s easy to put on a sweater if you get chilly. Wash your clothes in cold water and make sure they are full loads. Unplug things when they aren’t in use, as they can still suck energy!


I know a car is a luxury, but realistically, you don’t need one in university if you live close. Save that gas money and parking trouble, get some fresh air and exercise while you walk or bus to class. A bus pass is included in our tuition fees, so you might as well use it! 

Finally, get involved! Joining clubs like EcoHawks can educate you on environmental issues and allow you to spread the information you learn. They also run events such as the e-waste collection and swap sales where you can trade objects or clothes you don’t need anymore for something new to you! 

Hopefully, you can put some of these tips into action this year, both at school and at home. Just remember, one person, DOES make a difference. One person who encourages their friends, families and roommates to join them makes even more of a difference. 

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Sarah McCann

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Sarah is a fourth year Communications and Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University who is passionate abut female empowerment. She is one of two Campus Correspondents for the Laurier Her Campus Chapter! Sarah loves dancing, animals, photography, ice cream, and singing super obnoxiously, in no particular order.
Emily is a twenty-something fourth-year student majoring in English and History. She has a passion for writing, internet-famous cats, and sappy books.