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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Let’s be real: Canadian winters are probably the reason cappuccinos, fake fireplaces, and onesies were invented. Although these three things could be deemed the most wonderful things on Earth, the cold weather definitely does its fair share of damage to our lovely locks. Split ends and dry, lifeless hair are some of the consequences of the upcoming winter season.

Not to worry, though; we’ve got your guide to nourishing your lovely locks and protecting them against the tundra we like to call “winter”!

1.     Less is More

I’m probably going to sound like a bit of a hippie here, but hear me out. Humans have been around for over 200,000 years. Shampoo was only invented in 1877, hair dye was introduced in 1907, and hairspray entered the market in the 1950s. If we made it that far without these “essentials”, perhaps they aren’t essential after all.

I’m not saying cut out all hair products, but try to use fewer chemicals where you can. There are so many shampoo brands with less harsh ingredients in them, such as my personal favourite: JASON Pure Natural Jojoba Shampoo. You can even use natural substitutes for everyday hair care products, like baby powder as dry shampoo and coconut oil as an incredible overnight hair-moisturizing mask.

Our hair can also benefit from using less conditioner. The oil your body naturally produces is totally sufficient to keep your hair moist and healthy! To avoid tangles, just brush your hair before and after you shower and eventually, you’ll barely even notice you skipped conditioner. 

Since our hair is so used to being artificially conditioned every time we shower, the oily feeling we get after skipping a day of hair washing is actually just our body overcompensating for what it’s lost. Sticking to a healthier hair washing routine can reverse this!

2. Eat Well and Stress Less

Healthy locks start from the inside! Nutrition and mental health play a pivotal role in many aspects of our lives, including healthy hair. Our hair is made up of protein so the more nutrients in your diet, the stronger and more fabulous looking your hair will be. 

Natural “good fats” like avocados, walnuts, and fish, as well as iron rich foods like leafy greens, leeks, dried fruits, figs, berries, and cashews will do wonders. To help your body absorb iron, you’ll need vitamin C, so don’t forget to include citrus fruits, strawberries, and red peppers in your diet!

3. Massage it Out

Catching up on readings? Binge-watching Netflix? Lying on the couch with Dorito crumbs all over you? These are all perfect opportunities for… you guessed it, a scalp massage! 

Massaging your scalp helps to stimulate hair growth (and it feels amazing!). You can even add a few drops of rosemary oil, which has been traditionally used to improve scalp circulation. Try to dedicate five minutes of your busy day to massaging your scalp.

4. G(au) Naturel!

What your mom has been telling you for years is true: it’s time to embrace your natural hair! 

Taking a break from hot tools like a straightener and curler allows your hair to repair itself. Even cutting back on how often you use these tools can make a huge difference. The less heat you use on your hair, the less damage it will face. There are so many cute hairdos that you can rock with your natural locks whether they’re curly, straight, or wavy. 

So start being picky about when you use your beloved straightener! Saving it for special occasions and bad hair days will make such a difference in your hair growth and help minimize those awful split ends.

5. Ice Ice Baby

This is by far the worst part of a healthy hair regimen, but it’s sooo necessary. Right as you’re about to hop out of the shower, rinse your hair with ice-cold water for at least 30 seconds. And by cold I mean COLD. Like as cold as you can possibly tolerate! 

The cold water helps to close your hair cuticles, and this prevents your locks from falling out when you brush them. Cold water also retains your hair’s natural moisture, and who doesn’t want that?

And with these five simple steps… well, you know what to do!

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Pareesa Bina

Wilfrid Laurier

Pareesa is a fourth year Business student at Wilfrid Laurier University. When she isn’t studying or writing, you can find her lane swimming, reading a good book on her hammock, or browsing the lipstick aisle at Sephora. She loves to "wine and dine" with her best friends, travel and enjoy a daily dose of Earl Grey tea. Pareesa lives for good puns, a good laugh and good company. 
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Emily Webster

Wilfrid Laurier

You will typically see me with a large cup of tea and browsing social media under the fairy lights and reading up on my favourite lady bosses (Mindy Kaling let me be you please). Also my trivia regarding superheroes is endless. I have more music than time to listen to and someone definitely should consider taking away my blogging privileges. My love for pop culture is limitless and Netflix is the true MVP in my opinion. Contributor writer for HerCampus Laurier Stalk me and let's be friends here: Insta & Twitter: webofem