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Green Tip of the Week: Shop Vintage

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Did you know that about 11 million tons of used clothing is discarded to landfills every year? By donating your old clothing and making a conscious decision to buy vintage pieces, you’ll be contributing to a more sustainable environment. Choosing to purchase vintage clothing also reduces the environmental impact of production and the carbon emissions associated with it. White Tiger Vintage Boutique, which is located in downtown Kitchener, has a wide array of unique, trendy, and high quality items to satisfy every eco-friendly fashionista. Check out their shop on instagram: @whitetigervintage

Fueled by coffee, books, flowers, & friends. Positive psych & vintage enthusiast. ig: @leannesaechao
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Emily Webster

Wilfrid Laurier

You will typically see me with a large cup of tea and browsing social media under the fairy lights and reading up on my favourite lady bosses (Mindy Kaling let me be you please). Also my trivia regarding superheroes is endless. I have more music than time to listen to and someone definitely should consider taking away my blogging privileges. My love for pop culture is limitless and Netflix is the true MVP in my opinion. Contributor writer for HerCampus Laurier Stalk me and let's be friends here: Insta & Twitter: webofem