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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

I think a lot of us can agree that we’ve used our crush or significant other’s zodiac sign to see if your relationship is blessed by the stars. While that can reassure you or put you in a panic really quick, finding out you and your partner’s love language is an even better way to reflect on your relationship. Your love language is essentially what modes of affection you appreciate and respond to the most. Knowing your own and someone else’s love language isn’t exclusive to romantic relationships and can be applied to your friends and family. Knowing someone else’s love language not only shows you care but can help strengthen your relationship, and you can find yours out through a super-quick online quiz.

Words of Affirmation

Those whose love language is words of affirmation respond positively to compliments, unsolicited reassurance and hearing how the other person feels about them. This also means that in an argument, sticks and stones may break their bones, but words will definitely hurt this person. Verbally expressing affection and appreciation for them through personalized notes, texts and spontaneous compliments is a great way to show that you care.

Acts of Service

People with this love language feel most loved and cared for when someone goes out of their way to help them with a difficult task or complete a job they’ve been putting off. Putting in the effort to take care of a task for the other person shows that you will put in the work to make them feel supported when they can’t juggle everything on their own. Cooking, running errands and making them a cup of coffee in the morning are a couple of ways to make them feel loved.

Receiving Gifts

While the love language of receiving gifts sounds superficial, the meanings aren’t based on the monetary value. Rather, it’s about the effort, consideration and thoughtfulness behind the meaning of the gift. Special occasions like birthdays and holidays are important to this person, and they appreciate receiving personalized gifts as a physical reminder of what they mean to you.

Physical Touch

Physical touch as a love language doesn’t mean doing the dirty, but more so means that these people like things like holding hands, having your arm around their shoulder or having your arms touch while you binge-watch Netflix. You don’t necessarily need to be doing the same things, but a physical touch as a reminder that you’re there and in the same space with each other can be comforting for them.

Quality Time

Quality time as a love language means that the person values when you make time for them whether it be going out for dinner and drinks or staying in. But it’s not just about making time, the important thing is to be attentive and present as well as paying attention to what the other person has to say. This person values being given your full attention, no phones at the dinner table and thought-out dates.

Love language is not only a great song by Kehlani (definitely check it out), but it’s an effective tool to help navigate showing love. Everyone gives and receives love in their own way, but finding out your love language can help form better relationships, regardless if it’s romantic or not. 

Chrissy Hou

Wilfrid Laurier '21

Chrissy Hou is a fourth year student at Wilfrid Laurier University. When she's not neck deep in assignments, you'll find her making playlists, reading, or thrifting.