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Campus Celebrity: Elyse Black

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Elyse Black is an outgoing Laurier student, who loves being involved on campus. She’s a Virgo from Thornhill, Ontario, who is tons of fun. I met up with Elyse this week, to learn a bit about her involvement with Laurier and her and contributions on campus.

Age: 21Program: Communications (Business Option)Expected Graduation Year: 2015

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a fourth year Communications student, and I have three younger sisters and a dog. I have been skiing since I was four and snowboarding since I was twelve, and I’m the reason my whole family snowboards. In Grade 11, I led my high school team in coming second place at OFSAA for Snowboarding, and that same year my mother and I started my high school Cheerleading Team. I planned Right to Play events for my high school, as well as being a part of the Leadership program. I have a background in dance, gymnastics, trampolining, and cheerleading, have been a lifeguard and swim instructor since I was sixteen, and I now bartend at a pub/bar near my house. 

What are you involved in on campus? Why did you choose to get involved in these things?

The two main things that I am involved in on campus are the Laurier Ski & Snowboard Club (LSSC), and the Varsity Cheerleading Team. I chose to get involved with LSSC because Snowboarding is my passion. In high school I joined the race ski/snowboard team, just so I could get out to the hill during the weekdays, and during this time I fell in love with downhill snowboard racing. In my first year at Laurier I had no idea that there was a ski/snowboard club. I remember telling my parents that I wanted to start a team. However, in second year I walked by the LSSC booth and met all the execs. I went to all of their social events and I impulsively booked and paid for my trip to Tremblant and Le Massif, knowing no one. I made friends, and I fell in love with the club. I later applied to be an exec and here I am, president!

As for the Varsity Cheerleading Team, in spring of my Grade 12 year I went to the tryouts. With only one year of cheerleading under my belt I thought I didn’t stand a chance against the other girls trying out. With that being said, by some miracle I made the team and I instantly fell in love with the sport. I chose to get involved with the cheerleading team because it challenges me everyday both physically and mentally. It forces me to overcome my fears and anxieties and it helps me cope with the everyday stresses of university. It is the perfect outlet and it drives me to do things that I otherwise would never fathom doing. It also helps me prove to myself that I can do anything that I put my mind to, regardless of how challenging it may be.

What is your favorite thing about Waterloo? How about Laurier?

My favorite thing about Waterloo is that it’s small. Everything is so close, and you can meet so many people! The best thing about Laurier is the people. I have visited many schools and I have been on many campuses, but nothing feels like home like Laurier. Everyone is nice, and encouraging, and with how small of a campus is, it is the perfect place to call home!

What has been your greatest accomplishment at Laurier so far?

My greatest accomplishment at Laurier so far was winning Nationals last year. Prior to our 2012 season, Laurier had won nationals five years in a row. The year of 2012, we came second place (I was not at the team at this time). Last year, the team had to work towards redeeming ourselves and when we got to nationals we hit both of our routines without anything hitting the ground. In cheerleading you get to perform your routine twice, and they add the scores to figure out the placing. Our first run was nearly perfect – we had a couple bobbles but nothing too serious. I remember getting off that floor feeling pumped, however nervous because we all figured that the second routine wouldn’t be as good. When it came time to perform again, we came together as a team, huddled, and chanted our It’s Great to be a Laurier Golden Hawk cheer, and we ran back on the floor. We hit a perfect routine. To this day, I get teary eyed when I think about that feeling after the music ended. I get chills down my spine. I have never felt such a euphoric feeling in my life.

Needless to say, we came first place. What was more impressive was that we actually won the whole competition – We were Grand National Champions. We beat the score of the University of Western Coed team (and we are an all-girl team), which has not happened in 25 years!

Favourite place to eat on campus?

It’s a toss up between Vincenzos’s (not on campus but its my favorite place) and Wilfs – I love the atmosphere and the Spin Dip!!

Favourite night to go out in Waterloo?

It would have to be a toss up between retro Sunday’s at Phils, and Thursday nights at Brixton!

If you could have one wish, what would it be?

To live a happy, spontaneous, and healthy life.

If you could trade lives with another person for a day, who would it be with and why?

If I could trade lives with another person it would be Jack Johnson, (who is a musician and a pro surfer). I am not a great surfer and I am practically tone deaf, so I would love to spend a day possessing those talents, and that kind of access to waves!! Why can’t Toronto be by the ocean?! Music is a major passion of mine so nothing would be more unreal then making music and surfing all day.

A piece of advice for Golden Hawks?

My only advice for my fellow Golden Hawks is to get involved, take advantage of everything Laurier has to offer, and most importantly, cherish every minute of everyday for your four years at Laurier. Your time here flies by in the blink of an eye and nothing is more upsetting then waking up one morning in your fourth year and thinking of all the things you could have done. Although I have gotten involved in many different ways at Laurier, I wish I joined several other clubs as well.

Elyse is a great Golden Hawk who is always smiling, and her contributions to LSSC and the Varsity Cheerleading team will last long after her graduation this year. To get more information about LSSC, check out their Facebook Page

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Paige O'Grady

Wilfrid Laurier

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Chelsea Birtch

Wilfrid Laurier

Chelsea is one of the Campus Correspondent's for the HC WLU chapter! She has a passion for writing and is an avid reader who aspires to be an elementary school teacher. As well as being involved with Her Campus, she is also a sister of the Iota Theta chapter of Alpha Phi.