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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Pet Peeves — those minor annoyances that drive you absolutely mad. Everyone has their own particular pet peeves, but here are a few that I’m sure we can all relate to.

1. People who walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk/hallway/stairs. Also groups of people that walk SIDE by SIDE and block the whole sidewalk. MOVE!

Omg how annoying is this. Just walk on the RIGHT side. Why is this concept lost on so many people?

2. When you’re driving and you let someone in front of you and they don’t give you the hand signal to thank you:

3. People who aggressively type on their keyboards:

This is so annoying and distracting!

4. When people don’t hold the door open for those behind them:

5. Going through the drive thru just to have to go inside the store because they messed up your order (or forgot your sweet and sour sauce for your nuggets, which is honestly tragic):

6. Personal hygiene. Brush your teeth. Put on deodorant. Wash your clothes. And maybe shower once in a while:

7. When people’s Snapchat stories are absurdly long:

This is especially annoying when people film an entire concert — stop this.

8. Loud Chewers:

MOOOOOve on to the pasture if you’re going to chew like a cow!

9. When people send texts in multiple messages that could have just been sent in one message:

10. When people comment on your driving:

If you want to comment on my driving, get out and walk. Bye Felicia!

Here are a few more. Once I got started I couldn’t stop. Maybe everything annoys me?

11. When people talk in class or in quiet places.

12. When people ask questions during a movie that we’re both seeing for the first time. Shut up.

13. People wearing their OUTSIDE clothes in my bed.

14. People coughing or sneezing without covering their mouth.

15. When people try and enter a room or bus before the people inside have exited.

16. Grooming in public. DO NOT CUT YOUR TOENAILS ON THE BUS!

17. When people recline their seats all the way on an airplane.

18. Slow Wi-Fi (Eduroam).

19. When people have conversations in public on speaker phone.

20. People that don’t wipe down their equipment at the gym.

21. When people leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot instead of putting them away.

22. Cars and pedestrians that don’t understand right of way. Please refer to your driver’s handbook.

23. Long lines (especially the Tim Horton’s line in the Science Atrium).

24. When people scroll or text on their phone while you’re talking to them.

25. Slow drivers that drive in the left lane.

26. When people drench themselves in cologne or perfume — one spritz is enough, thank you.

27. Bikers that don’t think that the rules of the road apply to them. Just because you’re on a bike, does not mean you can run a red light.

28. Not flushing the toilet or sprinkling on the toilet seat. Also, leaving the toilet seat up.

29. People that get all up in your personal space. Stop breathing down my neck!

30. Getting ready and then your plans get cancelled.

31. Slow walkers.

32. When people (especially siblings) take your things without asking.

33. When you can hear people’s music from their headphones.

34. Sitting on the toilet and realizing there’s no toilet paper.

35. When people don’t reply to your text but post a snap/instagram story.

36. When people litter.

37. Saying “like” too much.

38. Dirty dishes in the sink. Especially when they’re left there for more than 24 hours.

39. When you open a packet of gum and everyone around you turns into vultures.

40. When people eat stinky food in public places.

41. People who take off their shoes in public places or put their feet up on the seats on public transit.

42. Telemarketers.

43. People who are rude to wait staff or don’t tip.

44. When people swear excessively.

45. People who can’t apologize or can never admit to being wrong.

46. Fruit flies.

47. Line cutters.

48. When people don’t knock before entering a room. Or when someone leaves your room and they don’t close the door.

49. When people drag their feet.

50. When people brake on the highway when there’s no traffic.


Natasha Jiwa

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Natasha is a Business Major at Wilfrid Laurier University
Madeline McInnis

Wilfrid Laurier '19

Madeline graduated from the BA+MA program at Wilfrid Laurier University in 2020. In her undergraduate degree, she majored in Film Studies and History with a specialization in film theory. She later completed her Master's of English degree, where she wrote her thesis on the construction of historical memory and realism in war films. If you're looking for a recommendation for a fountain pen or dotted notebook, she should be your first line of contact.