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7 Small Changes You Can Make to Help the Environment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

It only takes a quick scroll through your twitter feed to find at least one joke about the world ending because of climate change. While the memes about it are funny, the reality of the situation isn’t when you really think about it. Young climate activists such as Greta Thunberg and Autumn Peltier are leading the youth movement of bringing awareness to how serious climate change is and how important it is that we start making smarter environmental choices. Sometimes, it can feel a little overwhelming when you hear about the statistics that say we need to majorly change our ecological footprints or else we will do irreversible damage that will have extremely negative consequences on both our planet, as well as our future generations. While demanding change from governments and large corporations is very important, the small everyday stuff that we do also counts when added up altogether. Listed below are seven different ways in which you can start being more environmentally friendly today.

1. Choose more environmentally responsible forms of travel

When possible, we should be choosing more sustainable forms of transportation to get from point A to point B. If you are close enough to your destination, you should walk or bike. Our carbon footprint on this Earth is obviously a massive issue and reducing our use of fuel emitting vehicles is always helpful when possible. When it comes to getting to further destinations, trading in your car for the bus on some days is beneficial, as well as carpooling with friends when possible. Air travel, although unavoidable sometimes, has the highest environmental impact out of all modes of transportation. So, when it is avoidable, choosing the bus, train or a shared car makes all the difference.

2. Ditch the non-recyclable wrapping paper

This point is extremely relevant as we come closer to Christmas time and the overall holiday season. Although yes, the fancy patterns and glittery designs are very cute and look nice, often times these wrapping papers are reinforced with plastic and therefore cannot actually be recycled. For this holiday season, opt for brown wrapping paper or even just newspaper, and tie it together with string instead of tape if you would like to be a little kinder to the planet. When it comes to the gift bags you may be given this Christmas, reuse these for future gifts you give to others rather than throwing them out right away.

3. Ditch single-use plastic water bottles

Most of us here in Canada are very privileged to live in parts of the country where drinkable water is easily and efficiently available to us. There truly is no reason for the majority of us to be going out and buying water bottles. Buying reusable bottles over disposable ones is a very easy change to make to your life which can make a big difference. This one has personal benefits as well as financial benefits since you will save a lot of your money by no longer wasting it on single-use plastics.

4. Don’t let the water run

Going back to how lucky most of us are to have clean water immediately available to us, we should not take this for granted. Don’t leave the water running the whole time you’re brushing your teeth or washing the dishes as this is very wasteful. Choose to spend less time in the shower as well if possible. Just wash your hair less! Your hair, wallet and the environment will all thank you for it, trust me!

5. Eat less meat/dairy

As a vegan, this one is near and dear to my heart for sure. The meat and dairy industries are very harmful to our Earth in regards to the large amount of emissions they produce, especially when it comes to meat production since the process is very resource-intensive. You do not have to completely change your diet, but choosing to go vegan or vegetarian at least once or twice a week definitely helps. Scientists have been warning us that if we do not change our current levels of meat consumption (especially of beef), it will greatly impact the environment.

6. Shop smarter

Choose to start supporting brands who give back to the planet. Being more conscious about what you buy and where exactly it comes from will not only help you save money, but also reduce waste. The consumerist lifestyles many of us currently live are unsustainable towards the planet in the long run and attempting to improve our environmental footprints is important. Eco-friendly products and brands deserve to be supported over companies that have shown they do not care what negative impact they are having on the planet.

7. Eat local produce

While this one can be hard living in Canada where we have shorter growing months for our fruits and veggies, we should always be trying to eat from local suppliers when possible. First of all, supporting small businesses in your area is always a good idea, and secondly, buying local means it took less transportation for your food to get to you. Choose to go to your local farmers market over the grocery store whenever you can. Your health will thank you!

These tips are simple yet effective ways you can help to environment without changing your habits too drastically. Hopefully they will act as stepping stones to an even more sustainable routine in the future.

Ally Chesham

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Ally Chesham is a 4th year student at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is majoring in Political Science, minoring in Sociology, and working towards a Legal Studies option as well.
Rebecca is in her 5th year at Wilfrid Laurier University.  During the school year, she can be found drinking copious amounts of kombucha, watching hockey and procrastinating on Pinterest. She joined HCWLU as an editor in the Winter 2018 semester, and after serving as one of the Campus Correspondents in 2019-20, she is excited to be returning for the 2020-21 school year! she/her