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7 Common Misconceptions About Competitive Cheerleaders

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

1. Cheerleading is an excuse to stand around and look pretty 

Cheerleading has come so far from the days of standing on the sideline in short skirts and cheering on the boys. If you have ever been to a competitive cheerleading practice, you would know that there’s more to them than looking pretty and pulling off the uniform look, especially if you’ve seen them after a long, hard practice. It takes a lot of effort and mistakes to reach the polished routines that you see at competition. 

2. All cheerleaders are ditzy and stupid 

In almost every Hollywood representation of cheerleaders, they are portrayed as ditzy and incapable girls who use their looks to advance their social standing. In reality, cheerleading enforces an important balance between physical activity and education. Time-management is vital for cheerleaders, who spend countless hours at practice and team workouts while still having to maintain their grades as well as other responsibilities.


3. Cheerleaders are inherently peppy

In the modern-day cheerleading world, being peppy is not a must. Competitive cheerleading rather requires intense discipline and dedication. Now-a-days, you can find cheerleaders of all different personality types who enjoy keeping fit and challenging themselves with this sport.

4. Male cheerleaders are obviously gay 

This stereotype is very real for men who choose to partake in cheerleading, one that still goes on today. Some of the most talented athletes in cheerleading are male powerhouses who push the sport to different levels. Being a talented athlete has nothing to do with sexuality. Without gender diversity, a very special aspect of cheerleading would be missing.

5. Cheerleaders are mean and arrogant

Cheerleading, in reality, fosters a very loving and supportive team atmosphere. In a sport where teammates literally trust each other with their lives, deep bonds and relationships form within the teams. They become each other’s friends and family who support each other.

6. Cheerleaders only cheer to impress guys 

Cheerleading, like other sports and extracurricular activities, can become a safe haven from the outside pressures of the world, relationships included. Many athletes uncover their value and sense of self-worth by succeeding at a sport. With the massive time, monetary investments, and emotional commitments, competitive cheerleading is often seen as a relationship within itself.

7. Cheerleading isn’t a sport 

This misconception is by far the most annoying and blood-boiling statement for any competitive cheerleader to hear. These athletes spend years perfecting their craft, training, risking injury, and facing serious competition. To be told what they do isn’t a sport is the verbal equivalent to a slap in the face. To end this ongoing and unnecessary debate, competitive cheerleading is, and always will be, a sport. 

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Tegan Versolatto

Wilfrid Laurier

Tegan Versolatto recently received her Wilfrid Laurier University B.A. in Honours Communications, during which she was a member and assistant captain of the Golden Hawks competitive cheerleading team. She has gone on to host, anchor and report for a number of live events and televised programs, finding her passion in journalism. She is currently completing her Sheridan College postgraduate diploma in Journalism New Media, and internally crying anytime someone mentions the "real world". In her free time she can be found at the gym working out whilst simultaneously daydreaming about chocolate, or binge watching the latest reality television dating disaster. Be my friend (plz) on twitter/IG: @teganversolatto
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Emily Webster

Wilfrid Laurier

You will typically see me with a large cup of tea and browsing social media under the fairy lights and reading up on my favourite lady bosses (Mindy Kaling let me be you please). Also my trivia regarding superheroes is endless. I have more music than time to listen to and someone definitely should consider taking away my blogging privileges. My love for pop culture is limitless and Netflix is the true MVP in my opinion. Contributor writer for HerCampus Laurier Stalk me and let's be friends here: Insta & Twitter: webofem