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5 Signs that You’re the Dad of the Friend Group

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Forget being the “mom” of the friend group.  Because of these reasons, your friends refer to you as the “dad” of the group.  If you can relate to one or all of these points listed below, you’re definitely the go-to dad!



1.You take Daddy Issues to a whole new level when your friends come to you looking for reasonable but realistic AF advice to solve their problems.


2. You’re always the one drinking beer.  Homer Simpson would approve.

3. You do all the dirty work.  Unclogging the toilet, shovelling the driveway, basically everything everyone doesn’t wanna do.

4. You crack everyone up with your bad jokes.  Best part is you probably got them from your own dad!


5. When it comes to partying you act like the dad of the group and make sure everyone is drinking responsibly but also having the best night everrrrrrrr.

So, Dad, can you relate? Yes or yes??

Hey, don’t forget, there’s no shame in being the “dad” of the friend group! Embrace it.

Wilfrid Laurier Student who loves anything and everything related to fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Constantly living life though the wise words of fashion icon Coco Chanel, who preaches, "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."