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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

A girl’s DMs can be a very scary place. You never know what’s going to be in there. Could be a friend sending you a meme or even some company asking you to promote something, but there is always that chance that it is a guy.

If you’re a girl who’s active on social media, you’ve probably had this experience. Opening your DMs and seeing a random message from some guy you don’t know. Here is a summary of five of those guys you have, or will end up having, in your DMs.

That guy you met once 

We have all been to a club or a house party at least once. It’s a good time and you may have even met a cute guy there. What you don’t expect is for him to find you on Insta and slide into your DMs. If he asked for your Insta that night (which is what he should do), it wouldn’t be weird, but the fact that he just looked you up is. Men, if you see a girl and you think she is cute, ask for her Instagram or her number. It’s way better than social media stalking her.

Sugar daddy

A tempting offer but one that us girls usually tend to pass on. It’s just uncomfortable when you have a man old enough to be your dad message you for sex in return for money. Yeah, the majority of us are broke students but we prefer to make our money through part-time jobs.

Patrick Spongebob Money

Random guy

This one is the most common, just a random guy who stumbles upon your Instagram. He thinks you’re cute and decides to slide on in. As he is eagerly waiting for your response, you’re wondering how you know him. Is he that random guy you met once? Maybe a friend of a friend? You check but you have no common followers. He is literally just a random guy that found you, which is kind of creepy. So, if you are a random guy just sliding into a cute girl’s DMs, the odds are you won’t get a response. 

That guy from high school 

If you know someone in person, the odds are you’re going to follow them on Instagram. This leads to that guy from high school who now thinks you’re cute when he couldn’t even bother to learn your name before. You were never friends, you only had a few classes together, maybe one conversation, yet all of a sudden he wants to talk. You weren’t interested before and nothing has changed.

The guy who just wants to hook up

A guy stumbles upon your Insta and thinks you’re hot. He just wants to fuck you and nothing more. We appreciate the honesty but prefer you find your hookups on Tinder.

A little advice for the guys out there, just ask us for our number or social media handles. It’s way less creepy, plus you’ll know if we are actually interested or not. If we aren’t interested please don’t slide into the DMs, if we weren’t interested before, you creeping us is not going to change our minds.

Megan Cruz

Wilfrid Laurier '21

Megan Cruz is a 4th-year film studies student at WLU. She already has a diploma from Vancouver film school for writing for Games, Television, and film. When she isn't writing she can be found in a pillow fort watching cartoons  
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Sarah McCann

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Sarah is a fourth year Communications and Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University who is passionate abut female empowerment. She is one of two Campus Correspondents for the Laurier Her Campus Chapter! Sarah loves dancing, animals, photography, ice cream, and singing super obnoxiously, in no particular order.