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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a big fan of watching terrible TV shows for entertainment, but Riverdale takes this to a whole other level.

Reason One: The Amount of Shirtless Scenes

Now – I understand that for some of you, this is a major pro and not a con. However, it gets a bit ridiculous when the writers of the show find any opportunity for the main male characters (especially Archie) to take off their shirt. Yes, that six-pack must take a lot of effort to maintain, but constantly flexing how buff you are is a bit cringy. Also – remember when Archie got attacked by a bear and got a massive scar? Interesting how it just disappeared as of season four… Huh.

Reason Two: The Dress Code

For being in high school, these characters wear a lot of clothing that would get them suspended. Incredibly short mini skirts? I don’t think so. Cleavage-baring tank tops? Definitely not. While I understand that it is a fictional TV show based on comic book characters, there are some aspects of high school life that should still be realistic.

Reason Three: The Insane Plot Points

Honestly, nothing in this show makes sense anymore. Especially (spoilers) the trend in season four where they keep revealing that characters have secret siblings. What is up with that? It would be incredibly interesting to be sitting around the writer’s table as they came up with plot points for season four. Another odd choice they made was to have the big bad of last season, Edgar Evernever, have his master plan be that he wanted to build a ROCKET. I’m not even joking. Where was he planning to go with that rocket? No one knows. Lastly, the other plot point that has been grinding my gears is the one between Veronica and her father. Not only is it getting old, but it was revealed that they have some sort of ‘obsession’ with each other that seems a little weird. Gross.

With the recent news about Riverdale being renewed yet again for Season Five, I wonder where the writers are going to go considering the fact that the characters will be splitting up to pursue their different university/college/neither plans. Will we be following each of the characters individually and seeing what they get up to with the only interaction between the main group of characters being for holiday-related episodes? Who knows. However, one thing is for sure – the show will not get any less ridiculous with the introduction of more sets and new locations for the core characters to go to.

Bronte Behling

Wilfrid Laurier '23

A second year Cultural Studies and Film Studies double major student at Wilfrid Laurier University, Bronte has had a passion for creative writing since middle school where she took an online summer course about J.R.R Tolkien's the Silmarillion. A cat lover, Star Wars fan and podcast enthusiast she aims to gain more writing experience through this publication in order to pursue her post-degree goal of becoming a journalist.
Rebecca is in her 5th year at Wilfrid Laurier University.  During the school year, she can be found drinking copious amounts of kombucha, watching hockey and procrastinating on Pinterest. She joined HCWLU as an editor in the Winter 2018 semester, and after serving as one of the Campus Correspondents in 2019-20, she is excited to be returning for the 2020-21 school year! she/her