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14 Things We Can Learn from Rory Gilmore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

With all the commotion that has been stirred up about the Gilmore Girls revival, I was persuaded to start the original seasons of the show… and let me tell you I got addicted to binge-watching it really fast. I fell in love with the Gilmore way of doing things, and Rory, Lorelai, and the rest of the gang now have a special place in my heart. The more I watched, the more I found some amazing qualities in Rory, and I realized that these qualities are not only things I admire but things I would love to adopt into my own life. Now I’m only on season 6, but with that being said, these are my top things we should take in order to be a little more like the OG Rory Gilmore.

1. Kiss as many boys as you can while you’re young

You are only able to get away with kissing more than one boy while you’re young and not yet in serious relationships. Rory is a flirt and gets all the boys. I mean yeah, she cheated on Dean (poor guy), but at least she learned to kiss that many boys while she was young.

2. Focus on school

Rory has a work ethic like no other. We should all strive to be as dedicated to school as she is, whether it’s getting into university or trying to pass finals. Once she has the goal, she works hard to get there, and no matter how much her boyfriend or friends want to hang out she sticks to her guns about it.

3. Try casual dating

Although this isn’t for everyone, and ends up not being for Rory, it is good to try it out to see how you feel about it, and you may even end up meeting someone pretty cool who wants to stick around (I MEAN HELLO…LOGAN).

4. Sarcasm is a wonderful skill

One of my favourite things about Rory is her constant sarcasm. I love the amount that comes out of her mouth; it’s fun and is a good way to break the awkward tensions, or diffuse a situation, not to mention it will make people think you’re hilarious.

5. Have inappropriate boundaries with your mom

Now I already live up to this one because I can honestly call my mother one of my best friends, but those of you who don’t have that kind of relationship with your mom should give it a try. I think it’s probably the single mom thing in their case, but it’s great having that support with you.

6. Let your perfect night in be simple

Rory’s go-to is a casual night in with classic movies, take-out, and lots of candy, and good company to go along with it. This kind of night in is something I can fully relate to. It’s what we all need sometimes, and whether it be with a bunch of girlfriends, your mom, or your significant other, you can’t go wrong with a date like this!

7. Coffee is great

After watching Gilmore Girls, I decided to revisit drinking coffee, and I actually like it.Coffee is something that you can always justify whether it’s a date, project, or a major essay—it is an addiction but so worth it!

8. Material items and money aren’t the most important thing

Whether it be a boy buying you a coffee cart, 10lbs of flowers, or a car – don’t let the material items be the things that matter to you the most. Although gestures like this are obviously nice, a person’s personality is way more important no matter who they are.

9. Date a bad boy

Again, this isn’t for everyone, but the fact of the matter is that dating the ‘bad boy’ can help you realize what you like in a guy. Do you like the guy that never calls back and is super spontaneous, or would you rather the guy who calls every night at 5:00? Experiencing the bad boy side of things will show you if it is something you are into.

10. Be sensitive those around you

Rory does a great job of always being sensitive to those around her, and although nobody is perfect, including Rory, when she hurts someone she is quick to react to make sure they are okay. She has a personality that is overwhelmingly kind and that’s something we don’t see very often.

11.  Love your community

Although, like Rory, I am from a small town, I never had the same love for my community and our events as her, but her affinity for good ole Stars Hollow is inspiring. It is good to be proud of where you came from and not be afraid to let people know.

12.  Be involved

Rory does a great job of getting involved, whether it be at school, volunteering, or within Stars Hollow. She always puts forth her best effort in all that she does and gets involved with as much as possible – which is something I admire and strive to be more like.

13. Be filled with wanderlust

Rory is filled with a desire to travel and see the world. This wanderlust inside of her is something I think we all have to some degree, and just because it may not be practical to dream of a European get away, dreaming about it can make it all worthwhile someday when you can actually afford to go.

14. Take every opportunity that is given

Rory got the chance to travel Europe, not once but twice! She got to go to Washington with her Chilton Vice-Presidency. Plus she had tons of job connections through family and friends. If you’re offered any amazing opportunities like Rory was, don’t turn it down! Be modest, but take any opportunity you can to further yourself, or fulfill that sense of wanderlust that you have.

If we could all be as kind, sarcastic, and ambitious as Rory, I guarantee our university experience could be one of hell of a ride. So do as I did and binge-watch all of the seasons, then start to live a life with some Rory Gilmore attitude.


Wilfrid Laurier '19

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Emily Webster

Wilfrid Laurier

You will typically see me with a large cup of tea and browsing social media under the fairy lights and reading up on my favourite lady bosses (Mindy Kaling let me be you please). Also my trivia regarding superheroes is endless. I have more music than time to listen to and someone definitely should consider taking away my blogging privileges. My love for pop culture is limitless and Netflix is the true MVP in my opinion. Contributor writer for HerCampus Laurier Stalk me and let's be friends here: Insta & Twitter: webofem