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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

As a fourth-year student, I have had some time to discover places on campus that improve my mood and make me feel at ease. I cannot guarantee that these places are calming at all times of the day, but I can give you some insight.

Athletic Centre

Located at the corner of King Street and University Avenue, the Athletic Centre is a facility that includes an Olympic sized pool, studios for group exercise and dance classes, in addition to weight training and cardio equipment. Sweating and moving your body is a great way to improve your mood and release some school-related or personal stress. Remember to take your student card with you to get into the AC and bring a lock if you have one for the day-use lockers downstairs.

Personally, I really enjoy using the cardio equipment that faces alumni field during the day, so that I see the outside world from the comfortable temperature of the Athletic Centre. If you like a group setting, try a group fitness class in the cycle studio on the third floor, an aquafit class in the pool or another group exercise class. You can check Laurier Golden Hawk Recreation on Facebook for the schedule, otherwise, classes are $7 per class or you can buy an unlimited pass for the whole term for $92 + HST.


Located between the Concourse and the Wellness Centre, the Solarium is a very quiet study space. It’s entirely glass so there is no shortage of natural light and is a great spot to read your textbooks (or Her Campus articles). Just make sure to be quiet in the solarium, or you will get looks from others using the space.

A Friend’s Dorm Room

Whether it’s located on campus or nearby, it is great to have a safe place where you can talk freely about what is on your mind. Try to avoid taking advantage of your friend’s hospitality and be sure to listen to what’s on their mind as well.

Your Own Room

Sometimes you have to design your own sanctuary. I’m happy with my room right now because I have pictures of my friends and family, paintings and LED string lights on the wall.

Literally Any Atrium On Campus

At Laurier, we are very lucky to have a handful of atriums on campus. These are common spaces inside academic buildings that typically have high ceilings, skylights and tons of plants. They are relatively quiet and calm during the mornings for studying or reading, and you may see more groups utilizing the spaces in the evenings for group projects.

The Science Atrium is located in the centre of the Science Building on Bricker and King Street. The Lazaridis Atrium is located inside Lazaridis Hall along University Ave. The KPMG Atrium and Arts Atrium are located inside the Schlegel Centre and Peters Building, respectively.

Library EnergyPod

Located on the second floor of the Library (turn left when you walk in the doors). A great spot to sneak in a nap between classes if you live further from campus, or need to shut your eyes during a library study session. I have not actually tested the sleeping pod yet, but I want to and have heard good things about it!

Wilf’s Restaurant & Bar

Wilf’s is located in the Fred Nichols Campus Centre beside the Bookstore. I don’t know about you, but eight times out of ten, I’m in a bad mood because I’m hangry. Going to Wilf’s on a Tuesday night not only meets my hunger needs to improve my mood, but Bingo is a lot of fun. Plus, flex dollars can be used at Wilf’s if you have a meal plan.

Of course, the atmosphere will vary in these places depending on the time of the day and the point in the term, but I hope you can use these suggestions to find a new spot on campus!

Loral Christie

Wilfrid Laurier '21

Loral is a recent graduate of business and financial math at Laurier. When she is not laughing at math puns, she enjoys running 10k's, analyzing Taylor Swift lyrics and photography. You can probably find her at the local Dairy Queen buying another ice cream cake.
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Sarah McCann

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Sarah is a fourth year Communications and Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University who is passionate abut female empowerment. She is one of two Campus Correspondents for the Laurier Her Campus Chapter! Sarah loves dancing, animals, photography, ice cream, and singing super obnoxiously, in no particular order.