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Spring Cleaning: Tips for Spring Closet Cleaning and Why It’s Important

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

The spring season is the perfect time to clean out your closet and have a fresh start. I always reach a point by April when my closet is overflowing with clothes I don’t wear and my room just feels messy. Taking the time to organize and clean out your closet is a great way to start a new season and transition from spring into summer. A fresh start and a clean closet can help relieve stress and anxiety and make a transition smoother, whether you are moving out of your university house or going home for the summer. Here are some tips that can make this closet clean out a little easier and less stressful. 

Three-Month Rule

A good tip for trying to get rid of clothing is using the three-month rule. When you are going through your clothes, for each item, ask yourself if you’ve worn it in the last three months and if you haven’t, get rid of it. If you haven’t worn it in three months, the chances of you wearing it again are very slim. It can be hard to not feel attached to clothes, but at the same time, it always feels better to have clothes you know you wear and love than clothes that sit in your closet taking up space. 

Put Away Those Winter Clothes

Once the weather starts to get nicer and the sun begins to shine, prioritizing the clothes that best suit the weather can help clear space in your closet. You can purchase some organizing bins to use to store your winter clothes – that way they are out of the way and out of sight.

Sell Your Clothes

If you are throwing away a lot of clothes and want to make some extra money, selling them is a great idea. You can make an account on any thrifting app, make an Instagram account to sell them, or bring them to a consignment store, such as Plato’s Closet, where they will give an amount of money for the clothes.

Organize by Colour

A great way to re-organize your closet is by organizing by colour. Not only is this aesthetic to the eye, but it helps when trying to find certain articles of clothing and helps avoid messes. Instead of taking out every article of clothing in your closet to find something, you just go to the section with the colour and it is much easier to find. 

Label Sections

One thing that can help finding clothing easier and helps with organization is using labels. For example, make a label for all your pants, tops, sweaters, skirts, dresses, etc. Just like organizing by colour, this makes it faster to find what you are looking for. 

Organizers For Your Dresser

I always find that in April my dresser is overflowing with clothes, which makes it harder to close the drawers. Using small bins in your drawers can help find clothing and keeps the drawers easy to open.

Spring Cleaning always feels overwhelming at first, that task you avoid all year; however, it can also feel like one of the most rewarding tasks. After you make the choice to start the clean out, you instantly become lighter and happier. It is so important to keep your space clean because it can relieve anxiety and unnecessary stress. In doing so, you can also help your community by donating your unwanted clothes or selling them to make some extra money, something all of us university students need.

Ailie Crosbie

Western '25

Ailie is in third year of honours specialization in Media, Information and Techno culture with a minor in Gender Studies at The University of Western Ontario. In her free time she loves to watch TV shows and movies, workout and hangout with close friends.