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London Bars As Your Family Members

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

You know them and love them.  When you and your besties are deciding where to spend your night out, there are places you know you’ll have a good time, and places where
well, not so much. To keep it simple, we’ve made a list of the local hotspots and compared them to  members of your family.


1. Jack’s – Your Creepy ‘Uncle’ Who’s Not Actually Related to You

He hits on you at every family function and remarks that you’ve grown up a lot. Thankfully, you only see him on holidays. Every time, you hope it’ll be different. But it isn’t.

2. Molly Blooms  – Your Mom 
 When She’s Had Too Much Wine

She’s spilling secrets and singing karaoke. She’s talking way too loud, and calling you girlfriend. You know she used to be a ‘woo girl.’

3. The Barking Frog – Your Older Brother Who Went to Ivey

He always talks about how he’s managing someone’s hedge fund or how he spent the summer interning for the guy on Shark Tank. He and his section mates are “like, best friends.” He only does VIP, so lucky for you, you never have to buy your own drinks. 

4. Ceeps – Your Cool Aunt Who Gives You The Best Presents

She knows all the good music, lets you invite your friends over, and always makes sandwiches for you. She’s not like other aunts, she’s the cool aunt.

5. Lavish – Your Gay Cousin

He’s super chill and easy to talk to, and he seems to have a million friends that he’s happy to introduce you to. You always feel comfortable around him, and he always has your back.

6. Taphouse – The Classic Dad Bar

When he comes home from work, he turns on Led Zeppelin’s greatest hits and grabs a craft beer. He rants to you about the economy, and says “when I was your age.” What else do dads even do?

7. Belfort – Your 16 Year Old Sister

She read Gatsby in her English class this year and thinks it’s totally brilliant.

8. Cowboys – Your Ex Boyfriend

What can you say, you’ve made some mistakes.

Ariel graduated from Western University in 2017. She served as her chapter's Campus Correspondent, has been a National Content Writer, and a Campus Expansion Assistant. She is currently a Chapter Advisor and Chapter Advisor Region Leader. 
Becca Serena wrote for Her Campus Western (Ontario) from 2015-2018. Beginning as a general writer, she made her way to Social Media Manager in 2016 and became a Chapter Advisor of five chapters from January to April of 2017. She serves as Editor-in-Chief and Co-Campus Correspondent for the 2017-2018 term. This venue saw Serena’s passion for writing brave and controversial pieces grow as her dedication to feminism strengthened.