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Chris Brown Disses Kehlani Following Suicide Attempt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

Chris Brown hit yet ANOTHER low last night as he took to Twitter to “throw shade” at R&B singer Kehlani, who was just released from hospital after an apparent attempt at suicide Monday.

Kehlani was taken to hospital after reportedly being saved by first love, “PartyNextDoor”. Speculation, as well as intagram captions posted by Kehlani herself, suggest that the attempt to take her life sparked from vicious online accusations of her cheating on NBA boyfriend Kyrie Irving (with ex-boyfriend PartyNextDoor.)

In one of her deleted instagrams, Kehlani posted a picture of her arm with an IV claiming, “I wanted to leave this earth. Being completely selfish for once. Never thought I’d get to such a low point.”

Before the attempt, Kehlani had taken to instagram to clear the air – that she never cheated:


“I am severely utterly in love with my first love. Went thru a bad breakup and ended up easing into a relationship with a man who was one of my bestfriend [Irving]. Tho we realized we both weren’t exactly at a time where we were prepared to do so.”

Updates claim Kehlani is reportedly now safe and healing, thankful to have been given a second chance at life. 


Surprisingly (or not) Chris Brown of all people felt the need to respond to this unfortunate tragedy on Twitter:

Without referencing Kehlani specifically, he first tweeted the above message about infidelity. He then posted again, claiming there is no such thing as attemping suicide… claiming Kehlani’s struggles weren’t genuine, but rather suggest that she tried to kill herself for “sympathy”…. an ignorant and disgusting messgae to be sending his millions of followers. 

Then, confiming his accusations were in fact concerning Kehlani and Kyrie, he writes in support of the NBA star:

And if that wasn’t enough, he ended his disgusting rant with: 

You’re probably not surprised to hear that I am absolutely outraged, hurt, and disgusted with these comments. To accuse Kehlani of attempting suicide for attention or sympathy only further reinforces Chris Brown as a destructive, ignorant, sexist, abuser. Suicide attempts are legitimate and should never be mocked nor belittled…you’re a father of a little girl now Chris… I am heart-broken. 

We want to know what you think – send us an email at western-ontario@hercampus.com

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, help is available to you. 

Call the Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-985- 5990  or call 911 if you are seriously at risk of harming yourself.  

Kellie Anderson is incredibly proud and excited to be Western Ontario's Campus Correspondent for the 2015-2016 year. She is currently in her fourth year of Media Information & Technoculture, and has an overflowing passion for creative writing. While Kellie loves to get wildly creative while writing fictional short stories, she has found that her true passion is in shedding light towards hard-hitting topics like Mental Illness - she believes that writing is the best healer. Kellie has some pretty BIG plans for her future and can't wait to graduate as a Her Campus Alumni! You can contact her at kellieanderson@hercampus.com.