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56 Thoughts You Have During A Night Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.


1.    Ugh do I really need to stay on campus for my last class? I want to go home.

2.    I’m not going to be home till 9 – thats basically time for bed.

3.    Ok, well if I need to be here for another three hours, I’m going to need to eat.

4.    And I’m being SO good going to all of my classes today – I definitely deserve to treat myself

5.    Sushi here I come!

6.    Do you think people are going to be annoyed if I eat this in class?

7.    Oh well, not like I talk to them anyways *girl holding hand out emoji*

8.    Here is goes, why does the prof look happy to be here?

9.    I should have got a coffee before I came?

10.  Am I literally the only person in this class who’s not on Facebook?

11.  Why would you be subjecting yourself to sitting in this lecture on a Thursday night when you’re not even paying attention?

12.  Such a waste, at least I know the value of hard work.

13.  Oh! A Facebook notification!

14.  I’ll just check this one thing – it could be important.

15.  How did I get to creeping my roommate’s ex-boyfriend’s sister’s fiance’s cousin?

16.  She does have really cute shoes though…

17.  Ok, pay attention, that was your break – no more wasting time. You are here to LEARN.

18.  How has it only been 30 minutes?

19.  Maybe the prof will let us out early tonight.

20.  I am SO tired right now.

21.  Why can’t this be one of those 1000 student lectures so it would be socially acceptable for me to take a quick nap?

22.  I wonder if all of my friends are going out tonight, I’ll check snapchat quickly.

23.  They are. Why do they get to have all the fun when I’m trapped here?

24.  Ok – game plan – I can still go out if I rush home and start pre-ing right away.

25.  Except my hair is so greasy.

26.  Can I rock a ponytail tonight? Isn’t the ‘wet’ look in right now?

27.  If Kylie can do it…

28.  I’ll just have to avoid bar photographers tonight.

29.  I definitely do not need there to be photographic proof of me looking like an unhygienic mess.

30.  Look! That person is leaving early.

31.  Oh my god they look so awkward and everyone is starting at them.

32.  Should I leave now with them? That way it’ll be less uncomfortable…

33.  What if the professor says something to me?

34.  What if the person leaving thinks I’m a total stalker and I’m following them?

35.  Sh*t, its too late now.

36.  I wonder when the break is…

37.  “Lets skip the break tonight and power through the class so we can leave a couple minutes early”

38.  I hate my life.

39.  I wanted that break – I was going to escape!

40.  I would so much rather be preing or sleeping.

41.  Not only is this class ruining my social life, but its ruining my SLEEP SCHEDULE.

42.  My mom always says that sleep is the key to success – she would not approve of this class.

43.  I should start listening to my mom more…

44.  Wait, its already been two and a half hours?

45.  …. and I have no notes written down.

46.  The person beside me does though! I can definitely get them from him.

47.  I hope he wasn’t annoyed that I ate my sushi beside him…

48.  Ok, home stretch, I can do this!

49.  I thought that the prof promised that we would get out early since we didn’t get a break.

50.  Liar.

51.  When this is over, I have to go outside.

52.  But its cold and dark outside.

53.  If only I could just close my eyes and when I open them be at home.


55.  Ugh, no, I don’t want to see you next week…

56.  Should I go out tonight? 

Amanda is a National Intern, Style and Beauty Blogger and a Chapter Advisor for Her Campus. She is doing a double major in criminology and sociology at Western University. She is a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta - Zeta Chi chapter, and makes 99% of her decisions based off of WWEWD (what would Elle Woods Do?). Follow her on instagram @amanda_h_jones, and listen to her talk about makeup *a bit* more than usual at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m-7cOzh_oI&t=237s
Kellie Anderson is incredibly proud and excited to be Western Ontario's Campus Correspondent for the 2015-2016 year. She is currently in her fourth year of Media Information & Technoculture, and has an overflowing passion for creative writing. While Kellie loves to get wildly creative while writing fictional short stories, she has found that her true passion is in shedding light towards hard-hitting topics like Mental Illness - she believes that writing is the best healer. Kellie has some pretty BIG plans for her future and can't wait to graduate as a Her Campus Alumni! You can contact her at kellieanderson@hercampus.com.