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11 Things All “Walking Dead” Fans Experience

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

AMC’s The Walking Dead is probably the most intense show I’ve ever watched. Although I’m only on Season 4 (but yes, I do know what happens in Season 7, and no, I don’t want to talk about it), I don’t think I have ever encountered a show that makes me experience every emotion within a 45- to 60-minute timeframe. As a new fan, I’ve decided to compile a list of things basically all people experience while watching this gruesome show (BEWARE, there may be spoilers):



I think it’s safe to say that this is a recurring feeling throughout every episode. Even though the Walkers eventually become a kind of “background noise,” their appearances become progressively worse and worse. Check out this one having its face ripped off (GROSS):



Basically everyone dies, so don’t get too attached to characters. Thus far, the most heart-wrenching deaths have been Sophia and Laurie… But I know there’s worse to come (NO, GLEN!)


3. You really start to question humanity.

This show really highlights how dark human nature can be: murder is no longer a taboo, it’s a lifestyle. It seems that there’s very few good people living in a bad-person world, and even the good people have to do terrible things to survive. This show sure is a test of character.


4. It’s the little things in life that everyone misses most in an apocalypse.

I couldn’t imagine living a life without a daily shower. The smallest pleasures are what all the characters miss the most—and we can’t blame them. I probably smiled the biggest when Glen got behind the wheel of a sports car, I mean, look at that face:


5. You begin to wonder what it would be like to lose everyone closest to you.

While watching the show, I often try to imagine what it would be like to live in a world where my boyfriend, friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. did not exist. My anxiety goes from 0-100 real quick.


6. Daryl is the best human being on the planet.

If I was stuck in a zombie apocalypse, I would want Daryl next to me at all times. Not only is he a badass with a bow-and-arrow (not to mention, his shot is always on point), he also has a heart of gold and an incredible sense of loyalty. Oh, and he’s quite witty.


7. The Rick-Daryl Bromance is everything.

The best duo ever.


8. Why do people have unprotected sex in a zombie-infested world?

I understand it may be difficult to find condoms or birth control, but HOLY CRAP, there are other ways to prevent pregnancy (*cough* pull out *cough*). Babies aren’t exactly ideal when you have flesh-eating zombies and psychotic killers roaming around the place.


9. That sick satisfaction you feel when a terrible person is hurt/killed.

Watching Michonne stab the Governor in the eye was pretty satisfying, as horrible as that sounds.

10. Oh, and Michonne is a total badass.

I mean, she has a sword. That’s pretty awesome.


11. You always try to determine which character you would be if you lived in a zombie apocalypse.

But let’s be honest, most of us would be the Walkers.


Chapter Advisor for Her Campus and Junior Editor/Writer for Her Campus at Western. You can typically find me in the world of English literature.
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