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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

One day a month, sometimes a week, I endlessly complain to my roommate about how much I hate being a girl – and I think you know what day/week I am referring to. 

There are so many things that women go through that men will never understand, but that is what makes us so amazing. These things are what define us as a whole, but they are only the beginning of what it is like being a woman. We may live longer, make our wedding day all about us, and get couches in our public bathrooms, but there is something so special about girlhood that women no longer experience. Girlhood is why I would never wish to be a man. I absolutely love being a girl, and here is why.

I love giving random people compliments, and I love being complimented. I love shopping online even though I have no money to spend. I love buying books that I take multiple summers to read. I love buying endless amounts of gold earrings because I can never have too many. I love getting home from the mall and showing my mom everything I got, and how I imagine wearing it. I love frappuccinos and iced coffees. I love how my hair looks different every day. I love getting dressed up to go into town for coffee. I love doing my makeup and getting dressed up after wearing sweats all day. I love dressing up. I love getting compliments on my messy bun. I love destroying my room trying to find something to wear. 

I love making random lists. I love learning new things. I love finding a song or band I like and listening to them on repeat for a week. I love sending songs or pictures that make me smile to my friends, so they get to smile too. I love complimenting a girl’s outfit and automatically finding out where she got it. I love complaining about the price of tampons but always being willing to offer one. I love being delusional with my friends about a boy I just met. I love my little friend groups of two or three. I love smiling at strangers and having them smile back. 

I love seeing a girlfriend after being apart. I love saying “I love you” to my best friend. I love hugging hello and goodbye. I love making boys uncomfortable for the fun of it. I love being the kind friend. I love watching my girlfriends do what they love. I love daydreaming and planning my future life. I love going shopping just to try on things I would never actually wear. I love my best friend’s laugh, and I love making her laugh. I love my mom’s hugs – even though I act like I hate them. I love my sister’s smile. 

I love giving any and every boy my opinion on just about anything they are doing wrong. I love having random dance parties. I love sitting on the floor to do my makeup. I love doing my makeup. I love putting 18 products in my hair and on my face after I shower. I love everything-showers. I love hair wash day. I love talking in a British accent every time I go out. I love always being right in a relationship. I love jeans that fit my waist just right. I love baggy jeans that still make my butt look great. I love stealing my dad’s extra-large sweatshirts. I love doing random photoshoots. I love flowers, and I love receiving them. I love surprising my friends with coffee. I love buying presents. 

I love sharing lip gloss with my friends. I love how girls tuck in each other’s tags. I love pulling my friends on the dance floor. I love holding my friends’ hands in a crowd so we don’t get separated. I love recapping a night out with my friends the next morning. I love hearing all about my friends’ lives. I love telling the same story over and over until I have clarity. I love getting to know new people. I love getting my nails done, and I love talking to my nail lady. I love wearing headbands and off the shoulder sweatshirts. I love finding the perfect piece of clothing on clearance.  I love Christmas scented candles. I love crying at any minor inconvenience. I love ranting to my sister. I love how my best friend texts me that she’s “here” as she is leaving her house because she knows I am always running late. I love curling my friend’s hair. I love sitting in silence with my friends and having the best time doing it. 

I love being a girl!

Rhiannon Henry

West Chester '27

Hello! My name is Rhiannon Henry! I am a writing major at West Chester University and I am so happy to be a part of HerCampus! I play softball at WCU, I love movies, art, music, and my friends and family! Writing is a huge passion of mine, and I can't wait to contribute to the HerCampus community!