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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

It’s that time of year… 30+ women gather from all around, fighting for one man’s attention, anxiously anticipating receiving a beautiful red rose, but most importantly in the hope of finding forever love.

For those who don’t follow, I’m referencing one of the most watched (and loved) reality TV shows, The Bachelor.

Like many, I have fallen victim to isolating myself every Monday night at exactly 8 p.m. to watch what goes down between multiple women and one bachelor. Although I would say it’s pretty normal to favor certain contestants over others subconsciously, I’ve recently become obsessed with Maria Georgas. So far, she has single-handedly kept the show nothing short of entertaining, emotional, and most importantly fun! She’s my favorite, what can I say…

So, let’s talk about why I’ve been loving watching Maria throughout season 28…

Drama-free in the drama

Okay, I feel like one of the first things associated with Maria is some of the drama she’s been dragged into throughout the season. This may turn people on or off to her, but from what I watched, I think the drama truthfully accentuates the amount of composure she has in dramatized situations.

One of my favorite moments so far this season is in episode 3 when Joey and Maria discuss the drama between her and Sydney. Joey informs her of Sydney’s claim of being “verbally attacked” by her. As Maria defends herself, she drops the iconic line… “If you like her, there is no way you can like me…because we are completely different people.” Like whattt. Instead of feeding into the lies, she solely comments on her character knowing she is above the lies, and I love that. She’s drama-free despite all of it.

Seriously, Not So Serious

What initially drew me to Maria was her carefree type of attitude. The Bachelor can be filled with broken hearts, drama, and tears, so I feel like having someone who doesn’t take things too seriously just makes watching it even more enjoyable. For example, in episode 2 during some one-on-one time with Joey, she changes from a white corset dress to a stunning black lace two-piece dress. The change is iconic, but I love Maria just did what felt comfortable while not thinking twice. There are also some random minuscule moments where Maria seems to be in her world just dancing.

Also if you follow her on Instagram you’ll also see some hilarious behind-the-scenes pictures and videos of her which further solidifies her hilarious carefree personality:

Raw and Real

Like many of the women, Maria has opened up about her struggles in the past. The first moment where this is really seen is when the word “bullying” is brought up. Maria candidly tells Joey that she experienced bullying in the past. You could tell that the conversation was hard for her, as anyone could imagine. Although the scene is minuscule, I feel that the conversation was so important to see. Bullying is something that so many people experience, so hearing someone as confident as Maria talk about it really showcases vulnerability. And whether she knows or not I’m sure her talking about it helps anyone feeling alone in the situation, not so alone…

Listen, I may be a bit biased but seriously I think Maria is the best! The girl is real, does her own thing and honestly keeps the show so entertaining. Although I may not be in control of what happens on the show, I have a feeling she’s going to go far. Personally, I think if she doesn’t win The Bachelor, then she should be our new bachelorette because the girl is iconic!!

Lena Zadroga

West Chester '26

Hey, my name is Lena Zadroga. I'm a sophomore at West Chester, and currently studying English, with a minor with professional and technical writing. I've always had a love for reading and writing, which is why I wanted to join the incredible HER campus writing team. Little fun fact about me is that I have an complete obsession with sharks!