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My Love/Hate Relationship With Pennsylvania Weather

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

As we approach the end of the year, it is safe to say that the weather is getting colder. The days are shorter and my breath is becoming visible anytime I step outside, though this isn’t necessarily the case for everyone. I have one friend who is attending school in California; the coldest winters she has are roughly in the high 40’s or low 50’s. As she would call me explaining this, taking notice of the zero snow and the slight warmth from the sun, I would be in disbelief (as well as incredibly jealous). The idea of the temperatures not getting to the point of freezing seemed unfathomable, I often tried to live vicariously through her. However, this was not my reality, and maybe not necessarily a reality I could actually live in. Sometimes I do not take into consideration that certain parts of the world actually do not experience the four seasons like the East Coast does, specifically where we are. Florida seems to consistently remain humid, then there’s Alaska with its annual cool climate. 

Now sure, for the past few years there have definitely been some extremes due to the probable overall change of the world’s climate. This summer has been one of the hottest ever–yet I remember getting a heavy snow shower a few Springs ago. However, for the first time in a while, the past week (to me) has felt the most traditional that the weather has been in a while… and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I don’t mind it. There was a part of me that was excited to search for my winter coat in my closet, to ask for a beanie for the holidays, to enjoy the heat of my shower after a long day. There is also a part of me that when the air starts to get crisp in the month of December, I imagine the possibility of a white Christmas. I know it’s pretty rare anymore, but maybe, just maybe this year will be an exception. Think about it, some people of the world aren’t seasonally living off of hot chocolate, or they’re not shopping for thick, fuzzy socks that you convince yourself is a necessary purchase. Or, maybe, they do not get the opportunity to feel a sudden rush of the air hitting your face in the morning which is strong enough to wake you up a little. 

Of course there are times when I get sick of the cold, depressive state of the world around me, yet part of me overlooks the surprisingly treasurable parts about it. My wardrobe changes, my playlists change, sure I may be a little more unhappy than normal–but something oddly comforts me knowing everyone feels the same way too. This wave of angst and isolation comes over me and at the moment it is terrible, yet at the same time it also makes me feel alive. Something I’ve also come to learn is that I appreciate now going to the gym when it is getting colder. For some reason, being able to journey there in layers and leaving with my cheeks hot and my body warm makes me feel alive and overly proud of myself for remaining dedicated. Here and there though, I will have those phases of just hibernating in my bed, which as depressing as it can appear–is somewhat cherishable to me even then. 

Like anything though, over a period of time we find ourselves bored of the same old thing and yearn for something more. Out of the four seasons, summer and winter I’d say are the most contrasting obviously, while spring and fall remain neutral–though the vibes are definitely different and unique. When Spring rolls around, I feel as if I am physically and mentally defrosting and cannot help but anticipate for the trees to be adorned by life again. As for Fall, I discern it as a time of bittersweet goodbyes and new beginnings.   I have so much love for Summer as well; if anything I’ve come to love it more, I don’t 100% know why. Since I was little, I was always someone who loved the beach or the pool; sometimes I swear that I’d be in the ocean for four hours straight. The summers as a kid felt so endless and as if I could be soaking up the sun forever. I was, and still am, grateful though that the temperatures never reach scorching, as it may in Florida or Georgia. I have had the opportunity to visit both states during the Summer, and there would be days when the idea of being on the beach for longer than a couple of hours seemed treacherous. To this day, I am someone who would rather be cold than hot, and part of the fact that temperatures are getting hotter with each year fills me with some stress. There is also the fact that during the months off a school, I am working most of the time anyways, which in a way makes me appreciate the days when I can do something leisurely. A good part of me believes that I will never leave the area, or at least live my life far from it. I have grown up and made so many memories in the summer heat, or on elementary school snow days. The idea that some people do not experience moments like those at all throughout the 12 months of the year makes me feel so grateful, even if I don’t feel so all the time.

Mylee Shultz

West Chester '26

My name is Mylee, I am a sophomore majoring in Communication Disorders in hopes of becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist. However, I am extremely in love with writing and reading, and media in general. In my free time I enjoy watching new movies (or ones that I've seen one hundred times before). I was raised and grew up in Pennsylvania, but am now living in New Jersey. When I am home, I enjoy being in the company of my family, friends, and dogs.