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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Have you ever rummaged through your closet looking for an outfit and thought, “This is cute, but I’m afraid of what people will think”? I have definitely been there. Welcome to the world of fashion pressure, a dilemma thousands often face. It is common on college campuses to see girls wearing platform Uggs, Lululemon leggings, and holding a Stanley. Don’t get me wrong, I own most of those items. However, sometimes I feel the urge to dress outta the norm, but fear what others will think of me. I have dealt with this problem since elementary school. I remember wanting a pair of Uggs but was put off by the price point. My mom suggested buying an off brand from Target, but I completely rejected this idea, emphasizing that others would look down on me. Not being able to afford certain brands other girls could was a very defeating feeling. 

Why do we experience this crushing pressure to dress like others?

We are constantly bombarded with new fashion trends. For example, we are fed content on Instagram or TikTok by influencers whose job is to keep up with trends and convince their followers to buy it. Additionally, we’re all captivated by expensive brands and flashy logos. We view expensive labels as the ticket to being popular and trendy. It’s as if wearing a pair of Lululemon leggings gives you an approval stamp from society. It also does not help that items are constantly going in and out of style. For example, we spend a pretty penny on items, only to throw them in our closet once they go out of style. 

Not only does wearing off brands feel wrong, but also wearing clothing that is considered “out of the norm”. For example, why do we worry about getting stares if we wear a skirt to class? Or tights? When I arrived at college, I thought that the days of worrying about others judging how we dress were in the rearview. 

So, how do we move past the strains society has put on our dress codes?

First, confidence is key to breaking free from these norms. You have the ability to rock whatever styles make you feel comfortable and empowered. Additionally, by wearing a unique style, you may give someone else the confidence to embrace their own individuality. 

We also need to seek inspiration from others who celebrate uniqueness in fashion. For example, you can follow influencers on social media that feature different clothing styles. Try going outside the side of social media that seeks to encourage being like everyone else. 

Lastly, embracing your authentic style does not happen overnight. We can celebrate small victories such as trying out a new color or going out of our comfort zone. Breaking free from societal pressure is a journey we are all capable of.

Jillian Padykula

West Chester '26

Jillian is a sophomore public health major at West Chester University. She is a huge dog lover and enjoys gossiping about celebrity drama and fashion.