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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Let’s be real with each other here, whether we like it or not politics is a huge aspect of our daily life. Politics is quite literally everywhere, so keeping up with it can allow an individual to have a deeper understanding in many different outlooks of their life. 

Government and politics impact almost all aspects of our lives.

Whether we like it or not, the government does not only justify the amount of taxes we pay each year, they also affect aspects of your life that include anything from what the brand of pens you are able to buy at the store is to why your place of work runs the way that it does. The range of things that government has a say in can sometimes be shocking to think about but once you actually do think about it, you start to realize how beneficial caring about politics can be.

To understand politics is to understand voting.

Part of being a citizen of the United States of America entails having the ability to vote. Unfortunately, there is a high percentage of American citizens that either (A) do not take the time to vote, (B) are not educated on politics enough to know which party to vote for and finally (C) those that vote based on what is portrayed by the media (this part mainly involves younger generations). To understand politics is to understand voting; meaning knowing the different aspects of politics and where you stand on those aspects will help you comprehend the different parties, what they stand for and which one you belong to or if you do not belong to any of them at all. 

It affects your future.

Politics, regardless of what we think of them, do affect our future. They affect the younger generations especially due to them eventually entering the workforce and having to be knowledgeable on different business points that are affected by politics. If we want to look at politics from something other than a business point of view, politics also affect our future due to the control they have over policies that help out our environment. With that being said, why would you not want to have a say in your own future?

The reasons listed above are only three reasons why understanding politics should be something you should be interested in. Take it from someone who used to not be interested in politics at all. Whenever someone would ask me about where I stood in politics, I would stay clear of the conversation due to the lack of knowledge. I was always taught to not speak on things I do have knowledge of which led to me avoiding the topic was always the way to go. Once I got older and started to slowly get into politics, I realized what I had been missing out on. Not only are politics helpful through life but they are also entertaining. Look at a recap of the first 2020 presidential debate that was hosted Wednesday, September 29th to see for yourself!

Alessandra Russo

West Chester '21

My name is Alessandra Russo. I am a graduating senior from West Chester University, with an expected Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and Spanish. Currently involved in two organizations at West Chester University which include Wescon; a marketing consulting group and being the Public Event Coordinator, Content Moderator, and Writer for Her Campus. I absolutely love being a part of Her Campus and everything this group stands for. Not only did I get to meet amazing women that empower each other but I am also gaining new experiences on a day-to-day basis thanks to the powerful people I work with.
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