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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.



Hey everyone! This poem is about a person’s ex who comes back to them with bad intentions. The ex claims they want to be back with the speaker, and the speaker who is still romantically involved with their ex complies. They become intimate with each other even though the speaker doesn’t want to be used or hurt again. They unfold under the hope of rekindling what they lost with their ex.


I let your wicked fingers rush over my feverish skin

The sensation builds, but I know this needs to halt

Love is like a paper cut, small and innocent at first

Then, the sting comes when you don’t expect it.


Full lips hold mine; the devil’s hands move lower.

Caresses me and pull me closer, I want to feel it

Feel what I can do to you in a few short moments.

Are you in lust or are you simply too hot for clothes?


No! We mustn’t. Yes, I feel it too but no, stop.

Stop the fake feelings and human nature.

You don’t want me; you want what has

Been placed between my thighs.


You say no, I want to try, let’s make us work

Okay, then don’t make me want you in such

A beastly way. Don’t give me your sinful kiss

Keep away your comforting touch, stop hurting me.

Hello! My name is Erika. I like to read, write, and dance. I participate in many different types of theater and dance activities in school. When I have some free time I tend to be listening to music, dancing around, or taking a well deserved nap. I love cats, especially my best friends cat Pika. I also love learning Korean and about the Korean culture.
Wells Womxn