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What We Need to Know About the Elections

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

On Tuesday, November 6, it was the midterm elections, and it was a very important night for Democrats, as they have officially won the House of Representatives and are able to pass new laws that benefit all people. That night hosted a list of firsts: Jared Polis, a Democrat, is the first openly gay man to become governor of Colorado; Ilhan Omar and RashidaTlaib are the first Muslim women to be elected into Congress; in New Mexico, the first Native American, Deb Halland, was also elected into Congress.

Voting to elect candidates that inspire change in our country is one of the things we all look for. And I’m not saying that gerrymandering and voting suppression is what happens in certain states–I’m just saying it’s certainly a coincidence. “In Georgia, where African-American candidate Stacey Abrams is contesting results in her race against incumbent governor Brian Kemp, many online are claiming that issues like ballot machines supplied without power cords and four-hour queues helped boost Mr. Kemp to victory. Mr. Kemp was responsible for overseeing his own election, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law won emergency litigation in predominantly black areas of Georgia to extend voting times.’’ (BBC)

The race in Georgia, by the way, is still undecided, and Brian Kemp is 25, 622 votes above the threshold for a runoff election, which would settle who will actually win. However, I’m very curious to see what the Democrats are going to change to help the future of this country. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Arielle Canate is a junior at Wells College. She loves anthropology, American Horror Story, films and books. Hobbies include: Mythology (any one), Marvel comics, music, and makeup
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