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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

At the age of twelve, I assumed that my boobs would go from an A cup to a triple D overnight. Needless to say, that didn’t happen. It was then that I realized I was eligible for the itty bitty titty committee. At that age, this wasn’t a committee I wanted membership in, but as I’ve advanced through this committee, I find myself to be a pretty proud member now.

Here’s why:

  • They don’t get in the way

    • Ever been laying down and find yourself suffocated by your boobs? Yeah, me neither.

  • You can wear almost any style that you want

    • I love being able to put on any shirt and being able to pull it off without having to stay alert for potential nip slips

  • You can get away with not wearing a bra

    • 9 times out of 10 I’m not wearing a bra, it makes for a pretty comfy lifestyle

  • Exercising is way easier

    • As a runner, I’m so thankful I don’t have to worry with my boobs bouncing all over the place with every step

  • Cheaper bras

    • Who wants to spend $60 on bras? Not me!

  • They’re yours

    • No matter what size, shape, etc. your breasts are, love them! They’re beautiful, they’re unique, they’re yours!

  Kaylen, a Campus Correspondent for HC at Wells, is a senior at Wells College studying Women's and Gender Studies and Psychology.  "Like Ivy, we grew where there was room for us"-Miranda July
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