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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

In America, we live in a capitalist society, meaning that our economy is a free market with some regulation or interference from the government. We put an insane amount of pressure on how much money an individual or a business can make.




That said, we often idolize the wealthy elite because they’re the ones  most people aspire to be. People dream to win the lottery, to invest our money, to be the next great innovator that makes billions, to be a major Hollywood star. To have enough money to not worry about money, that’s the dream.


I’m sick of these people and watching their gross displays of wealth while I can barely afford my college tuition, that I need to get a degree, that I will need for a decent job, that I will need to survive. And Chrissy Teigen’s mom over here goes through Airpods like fucking candy.




The truth is, most of these people suck at sharing. They don’t suck at making money, they’re really good at that, but the wealthy elite has more money than they could ever spend. In a country where there are families starving, families that can’t afford healthcare, people that can’t afford homes, people that can no longer afford to live, the wealthy haven’t learned how to share.


In America, we put a lot of value on making your own success and being able to do what you want with it. But what is the point in that if all you’re ever going to do with your millions and billions is watch your bank account go up?


Take Steve Jobs for example, he and the other founders of Apple, created the first Apple computer in his parents’ garage. Now Apple is one of the largest, most popular, and most profitable tech companies on the planet. That’s pretty impressive, but Apple is one of the most expensive brands on the market and one of the most pocket gouging companies.




Not to mention that if you don’t regularly buy the newest iPhone, Apple actually puts bugs in the software of your old iPhone making it run slower and have a shorter battery life. It’s also extremely hard to repair Apple devices in general meaning you typically have to go to Apple for repairs which will charge you way too much. Want to take your Apple device to another repair shop? Good luck, because Apple purposefully makes their products difficult to repair for non-Apple technicians.


This is all done in the name of capitalism, in the name of making the most profit and getting you to spend as much money as possible. You can look closely at most major companies and find ways they’re actually cheating you (or something else like the environment). Multi-billion dollar companies rarely make their money in honest ways.


If you want to really understand how rich the wealthy elite is, check out this website called Spend Bill Gates’ Money. This website allows you to see exactly what Bill Gates can afford to buy. The website estimates his worth at about 90 Billion, but today Gates’ worth is closer to $110 Billion.


To put this in perspective, one million seconds is 12 years. One billion seconds is 32 years. Bill Gates has a net worth of $110 Billion dollars. Bill Gates could buy all 32 NFL teams for 2.3 Billion each and still have 16.4 Billion dollars left.


This isn’t to mention Jeff Bezos or the many other wealthy elites who hoard their money. The wealthy elite can spend as much money as they want on luxurious items and never even make a fucking dent in their overall hoard of money. 




These people are greedy and are actively choosing every single day not to use their money for good. Let’s eat the rich.


Amy Storti

Wells '21

Wells College Class of 2021 English Literature Major
Wells Womxn