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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.



I know we’ve all updated our resume about a million times, but there are always little improvements to be made that can help you land that job. Some of these tips are pretty simple but can make a big difference to the person reviewing your resume.


Don’t name your resume ‘resume’

This is something that I catch myself doing a lot when I update my resume. I usually name it ‘resume’ or ‘updated resume’ and forget to change it before sending it out. It’s actually better to name the file your first and last name. This way the person reviewing your resume will know whose resume is whose and won’t have to navigate a dozen resume files all named resume.


Save your resume as a PDF

So I know we all like to mess with the formatting of our resumes, and that’s great because unique formatting can make your resume stand out! The only issue is that when saved as a word document the formatting doesn’t always stay the same when viewed on another computer. The best way to ensure your formatting saves correctly is to save the file as a PDF.


Don’t put your address

I know resume examples often include a spot to put your home address, but don’t use it. No one is sending you mail because you submitted a resume. Do put an email address and a phone number so they can reach you. The only thing an address is used for is to see if you would need to relocate for the position.


Keep it under 1pg

This is a good tip to keep your resume straight to the point. Whoever is reading your resume is likely reading at least dozens of others. You want your resume to be informative and intriguing, but not a dense read. Keep it succinct and relevant so you can get the interview and expand on anything you had to cut short in the resume. The only exception to this rule is if you have 10+ years of relevant experience.


Include your expected graduation date

If you are working towards a degree, make sure to let your possible employer know when you expect to receive your degree. People often put something like 2017-present and assume the 4 year undergrad standard is enough to inform the reader when they expect to receive their degree. This is a vague way to convey information and employers won’t automatically assume when you’re going to graduate if you don’t tell them. All you need is 2017- expected 2021 and this will solve a lot of guesswork for your possible employer.

These are some basic tips that are pretty easy to check your resume for and will actually make a difference in the hiring process. Always make sure you’re as clear and relevant as possible in all parts of your resume, and remember it’s okay to cut stuff that you would want to expand on in the interview. This is just to get your foot in the door.

Amy Storti

Wells '21

Wells College Class of 2021 English Literature Major
Wells Womxn