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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Zero Waste Bulk is a beautiful store in Uptown Waterloo that provides the community with materials that will give back to it.

The store is cuter than a Bulk Barn with many products that are normally only available online. Now they are accessible by a short bus. Zero Waste is a movement that encourages little to no impact on what goes into the dumpster, landfill, ocean, or waterway. It is defined by reusables and handmades that curb consumption and waste production. You may have seen this movement pick up on Pinterest boards for homemade shampoo and toothpaste in glass jars!

Often in discussion of Zero Waste comes the concept of shampoo bars. Little do people know that common ingredients to these bars are not as eco-friendly as the image put forward says.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is not the ingredient we want in our water. Instead, this store provides  ingredients that can be taken home in reusable containers to make your own non-toxic toiletry to cleaning products.


The cutest items can be found here like cloth menstrual pads with cute fabric, snack bags sewn by artsy makers (check out #makermovement) and can be found in many patterns, sizes and colours. The best item to me is the straw collection that includes bubble tea straws! These are the perfect gift for friends obsessed with their boba.


If you are a beginner, dabbler, or expert in zero waste, this store is for you! This store is the perfect image of entrepreneurship, cute, and useful. If you have the chance to stop by, do it!


Photo Credits: Jane Pangilinan 


A second-year in Environment, Resources, and Sustainability. Looking to grow wings.
I enjoy naps, cake and sarcasm. Besides that I'm in Honours Science at the University of Waterloo!