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What I thought about Selena Gomez’s documentary, “My mind and me”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Selena Gomez recently released her documentary called “My Mind and Me,” and I went through a lot of feelings watching it. I was happy, sad, angry, and completely emotional throughout. Selena and her team did a wonderful job on this film ── all I can say is I loved Selena before, and now I love her even more. I felt as if I was alongside a friend, hearing all about her life, which made it feel even more special.

What is “My Mind and Me” about?

The documentary highlighted the hardships Selena went through from such a young age up until now. She started working at the age of seven, and was in the media’s eye for the majority of her life. She began her stardom on Barney & Friends, became a Disney star, started her music career, acted in films, went on tour, and so much more, all before turning 30 years old. 

In the documentary, Selena discussed her mental and physical health, one being her diagnosis of bipolar disorder and the other being her diagnosis of lupus, an autoimmune disease. Her authenticity made this a work of art, and her and the team behind this deserve a round of applause.

What do I think about the Selena-Raquelle conflict?

If you watched the documentary and are active on social media, then you may have seen or heard things about Selena’s friend Raquelle. 

Raquelle was a big part of this documentary, and I believe a big part in Selena’s life as well. From the documentary, I picked up that they were close friends, and although people have said hateful things about her, I don’t think I agree with what they’re saying. People saw Raquelle as someone who doesn’t care about Selena, and as a rude person overall; however, that’s not how I viewed her, simply because I think their relationship goes deeper than an hour-long documentary. 

The people who truly love you will tell you the truth and call you out for your BS (pardon my language). It takes a different type of trust, bonding, love, and care to be able to tell your loved ones the stone-cold truth, acknowledging that it might hurt them, but also knowing that they need to hear it. 

Overall, Raquelle has gone through a lot with Selena, and has been a good friend. No one can judge others’ relationships, because we are not part of them. That being said, I could be completely wrong, and it could be a toxic relationship — but that isn’t for me to judge.

What are my critiques?

I don’t have many critiques for this documentary, as I think it was tremendously done. I would recommend it to anyone. However, as a warning, if you struggle with mental health, then it may cause some triggers. 

One main thing I wish Selena discussed more in the documentary was how she was able to work on her mental health. It was definitely great to see such a well-known celebrity opening up about her mental health struggles, and it does make others feel less alone. However, I could’ve used more information on what Selena did to overcome her obstacles, so people who are also struggling have more guidance. 

Aside from that small change, I would like to say that I’m proud of Selena and wish her nothing but the best.

I am student at the University of Waterloo who is passionate about fashion, painting, social justice issues and more.