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Sharkbite Brownies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Guest Writer: Caroline Kwiatek

You’re hiking in the woods with a group of friends when one of the girls suddenly gets sick. Even though she knows exactly what’s wrong and that it could easily be relieved with a simple Midol from the car, she feels as though she can’t say anything to the rest of the group and has to finish the hike in pain.

You’re complaining to your guy friends about the lack of waste receptacles in the E3 women’s washroom. They chastise you for being demanding until you’ve had enough and ask “Where would you like me to put my used tampons?!?!” Your outburst makes them incredibly uncomfortable and they look away, desperately searching to change the topic.

While these stories are nothing compared to the horrors women in the developing world face while on their periods, which include remaining at home from school when menstruating due to a lack of hygiene products, they illustrate the real issue surrounding menstrual health here in North America. Women are too shy to talk about what is happening to them 25% of the time, and men are too horrified to talk about something that happens to 50% of the world’s population.

In an effort to decrease the taboo regarding menstrual health and to start conversation and to educate the uninformed, UWaterloo Engineering HeForShe is hosting Shark Bite Brownies, an event to raise awareness on menstruation.

This event is being held on October 3rd, 2018 in the DC courtyard from 10 am to 4 pm and will feature information for those who menstruate and those who do not, trivia, giveaways and brownies.

Periods bite. And brownies help.




I enjoy naps, cake and sarcasm. Besides that I'm in Honours Science at the University of Waterloo!