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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

It’s almost that time of year again. And no, I don’t mean Christmas! I (of course) mean that one special day in December when your beloved music app decides it will “inform” you of your listening habits, and low-key make you question your reality. Oh, what fun!

Last year, for my Spotify Wrapped, I had some pretty interesting results turn up. I knew what I was listening to at the end of the year, of course, but I was taken by surprise when Spotify “gently” reminded me of what I had been listening to in the earlier months of the year. Nothing was too shocking, but there is a certain level of embarrassment accompanied by the realization that your most listened-to podcast is “Ocean Waves Sound 3 Hours”.

All in all, it’s a fun journey to take, and it’s even more fun to compare with friends and family. I thought I would get a head-start this year, and see how well my guesses line up with the real thing!

Top Artists:

  1. Taylor Swift (I was in the top 1% last year!)
  2. Olivia Rodrigo
  5. Dua Lipa

Top Songs:

  1. Bitter (FLETCHER, Kito)
  2. Don’t Want You (Ella Mai)
  3. Know Better (Tinashe)
  4. We’re Good (Dua Lipa)
  5. Billie Bossa Nova (Billie Eilish)

Top Genres:

  1. Pop
  2. K-Pop
  3. Pop Rap 
  4. R&B
  5. Indie

For the smaller statistics, like minutes listened, I’m guessing around 32,000. Last year it was 31,358 minutes. 

For the number of artists I listened to this year, I’m thinking around 900. Last year there were 878 artists. 

For the number of NEW artists I listened to this year, I’m guessing around 310. Last year there were 312 new artists!

I can’t wait to hear everyone’s Wrapped results this year! My sincerest apologies to Apple Music users. Happy listening!

Emma Johnston

Waterloo '22

Hi! My name is Emma, and I am completing my Bachelor of Arts in English Rhetoric, Media and Professional Communication at the University of Waterloo. I love journaling, peanut M&Ms, and collecting fashion magazines from around the world!