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Michael Šoštarić

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Name: Michael Šoštarić

Age: 18

Program & Year: Biochemistry 1B

Relationship Status: Taken


2 Plane tickets paid for, where would you go, who would you bring? I would go to the Virgin Islands, and I’d take my girlfriend

Who’s your favourite superhero and why? Batman is my favorite superhero as he is only a man and he becomes a symbol of both justice and fear

Last lie you told: I’m studying mom, don’t worry

Favourite sport: Soccer

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why? Super-speed would be my superpower of choice because with super-speed you have the ability to warp time and space ~ Wouldn’t that be nice!

What is a question you hate to answer? “What are you doing?”

How did you meet your girlfriend? I met my girlfriend at Croatian school

Biggest fear: Becoming paralyzed ~ No kidding! I think everyone can relate to that

Worst injury? Shattering my kneecap ~ Ouch! We hope it hasn’t affected your soccer playing too much!

Your idea of a perfect date? My idea of a perfect date is something simple yet memorable, so for example maybe a nice dinner on the lake shore followed by a nice walk along the shore

Person you would want to be stuck in an elevator with? If I had to be stuck in an elevator with someone I would want it to be David Beckham, I think we’d have some intense chats about soccer.

I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!