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How to Throw an Awesome Halloween Party!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

As you’re aware by now, Halloween is just around the corner. Before university,  that meant trick-o-treating, going to haunted houses, and maybe the occasional shitty high school party. However, at University, Halloween is different and much more serious. Everyone usually takes their costumes into great consideration and has plans made in advance before the weekend approaches. So how about instead of freezing to death in your bunny ears, waiting in line for some club event, you stay in the comfort of your own home? Throw a house party! Not sure how to? Well here are some ways to ensure you throw the best one to date!

1. People. You need to invite everyone. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Even if you only talk to the person once a week. House parties are a great way to meet new people, and if you only invite the close group of friends you hang out with on a regular basis, it’s not going to be that fun. So invite whoever comes to mind. It’s not like everyone you invite is going to show up anyways, so don’t hesitate in doing so. Just make sure of the people you, you can trust them not to destroy your house.


2. Costume. Make sure you and your roommates have great costumes. As the hosts of the party, it is your duty to set a standard. You cannot ask people to come dressed up to your party if you’re just in cat ears. It’s the one time of the year when you can be anyone, so why not dress up like Daenerys?


3. Music. The worst thing ever is when you’re at a party and the music is so lame that even alcohol can’t make it better. Everyone has different tastes, but that doesn’t mean you should play Adele. Try playing songs that lighten up the mood and get people to loosen up. Anything hip-hop, rap, dancehall, pop, electronic, and maybe some country should be added to your party playlist. If you notice that people aren’t really feeling the music, then make sure you have access to your sound device to change it.


4. Games. When I say games, I mean beer-pong. You’re either good at it or you aren’t. Either way, to please your guests you need to have at least one beer-pong table at your party. This can be used for flip-cup as well. To make sure there isn’t alcohol spilling on your floors, try playing with water, but to each their own.


5. Good Hosting. You should make sure your guests feel comfortable and safe. If you notice that some people are getting just a little rowdy and it’s disturbing other guests, go talk to them. This is your party, so do not be scared to kick anyone out. Also make sure no one is throwing up excessively in the bathroom and for those situations, having water on hand is always a good idea. Warning your neighbours or roommates about the party is also smart and courteous, so instead of calling the police they can reach you first to tell you to keep it down. Clean up as you go. The morning after a party can be a pain to clean up, so if you see empty cups or half-filled ones which nobody’s using, throw them out. Putting garbage bags all over the apartment/house so guests can easily access them is also a smart idea.

The bottom line is that you should throw a party that you would want to go to. Make sure that your guests have a good time, ‘cause midterm season is kicking all of us in the butt. We deserve a break!

I'm a 3rd year Honours Psychology student at the University of Waterloo. I enjoy sleeping, obsessing over Game of Thrones and making to-do lists.
I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!