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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

The end of the semester is approaching quickly. While some students are studying for finals, others are wrapping up their co-op jobs and prepping to go back to school. Any one on co-op would like to leave their position behind with nothing outstanding. Here are a some end-of-co-op tasks that will help you prepare for your last day.


Ensure that all of your work is complete and ready for the next student.

You wouldn’t want to start a co-op job confused because the last co-op student left everything incompleted. Do them a favour and complete everything before you leave so that the other co-op has an easy transition. As well no one changes their opinion of you when you leave.


Make sure you completed all the co-op requirements for the semester.

Check to see if you have any reports or modules left to complete before the semester ends. You wouldn’t want four months to go down the drain if it doesn’t count for co-op credit.


Clear out your desk area.

Any coffee mugs, photos, shoes, basically anything that belongs to you take them home before your last day so you don’t forget.


Get the emails of people you wish to stay connected to.

This is important in growing your network. If it’s your manager or anyone who is higher up, it’s recommended to email them through their work email in the future.


Get thank you cards for your managers or anyone you work closely to.

It is work etiquette not to give anyone who is a higher up a gift. A thank you card is enough. Another thing you could do is bring treats for everyone on your team like timbits or chocolates are an appreciation gift.


Write down everything that you have done during the semester.

Every project, task, or situations that you have encountered. This is important for future referencing in your resume and interviews. If there is a training procedures, keep a copy for yourself.  


Reflect and learn.

Look at the good and bads of the co-op job. If there is anything you would change about your experience? Think about if there are any aspects you like about the position that you would like your future job to have. Write all of this down so when you are applying next time for jobs you can look back to see your new criteria.    

Hopefully your co-op term will end smoothly so that you can relax and take a break before going back to school!  

Hawa Latuke

Waterloo '21

Fourth year of the double degree program pursing a bachelors of mathematics at the University of Waterloo and a bachelors of business administration at Wilfrid Laurier University.   Avid tea drinker. 
I enjoy naps, cake and sarcasm. Besides that I'm in Honours Science at the University of Waterloo!