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Fun things to do this Valentine’s Day instead of moping about how single you are!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

“Valentine’s Day is such a beautiful time of year! Glittery heart decorations, cinnamon hearts that zing your tongue, and chocolates with a lover!” said no one ever. Well, except me. Ever since I was a little girl, Valentine’s Day has been my absolute favourite holiday right after Christmas. I always loved receiving cards and candies, and in high school while my friends shed their tears about how single they were, I would sit there gleeful and giddy about candies and adorably pink decorations. There’s just something about this time of year that I find to be so beautiful and perfect, and there really is no other way to put it. I know not everybody feels this way, and I am widely aware of the fact that as women, the older we get the more pressure is put on us to find a partner and settle. You know, before we get all “dried up” and all that nonsense. That talk is absolute bogus. Take your time to find the right guy or gal, and don’t settle for less because nobody deserves that on either side of the equation. Instead of focusing on your relationships, or lack thereof this time of year, take the elusive idea of love and apply it to yourself or your friends instead. Here are three things that you can do if you or your friends are single this year!  

Watch a movie with your BFFs. 

Okay, I know. What a cliché. Everybody says this, but alas, ‘tis true. There really is no power out there like the power of cinema. Gather a group of friends together and have a night where you watch anything from a rom-com to a horror movie and bond together. You’d be surprised by how much a good movie and a deep conversation can heal and bind your soul. 

Have a self-care night for you and you only. 

It’s become normal nowadays for us to neglect ourselves in order to put the needs of others first. Valentine’s Day is that one day where you can truly take a day off and give yourself a treat without feeling any guilt. Valentine’s Day doesn’t come with the stress of the holiday season, nor does it require you to sit there while family members and friends sing happy birthday off-key. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you deserve what’s purely for you. Forget about all of the tireless things you do for your girlfriends or your mom. Get your nails done, do a foot spa, or do a face mask. Light some candles, pour yourself a glass of rosé, and eat chocolate. Lose the guilt and the stress, even if it’s just for one day. 

Send out adorable Valentine’s Day cards to your friends and family.

Remember when we were little kids and we would come to class to give and collect Valentine’s Day cards? Sure, that may seem like a thing of your childhood, but why not bring it back? Grasp the love in the air and tell your friends and family how much they’re appreciated and loved. In our rushed world today, it’s so easy to take the people you love for granted. Even if it’s just a small message scrawled across a sticky note, it can still make somebody’s day. Take advantage of this love-ly holiday!

There you have it! Three fun things that you can do to make this time of year centered around love, but not just love for a significant lover. Love yourself and your loved ones, because at the end of the day, that’s all that matters. 

Jasmine Yan

Waterloo '23

Jasmine is a fourth-year student psychology student in her final term at the University of Waterloo. She loves music, figure skating, being nocturnal, and anything and everything pink.
My name is Rachel Hickey,  I'm studying Psychology, Human Resource Management, and English! My interests include food, fitness, feminism, singing in obnoxious a cappella groups and petting other people's dogs.