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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Name: Parmveer Bola

Year: 3rd year

Major: Electrical Engineering

Single: Single

I was my high school mascot!

In North Park secondary school in Brampton I was the Vinnie the Viking, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

Which one was your favorite?

By far the Easter Bunny was my favorite, because it was scary, even though it was suppose to be a cute looking bunny, but can you imagine a huge Easter Bunny trying to hug you.

What were some of your hobbies in high school other than being the Mascot?

I used to play football, although our high school didn’t have a varsity football team for guys; there were more girls sports teams than guys anyways, so I used to coach the girls teams. Our girls teams were very good, and they even won a lot of trophies including national championships. It was lots of fun to coach them. Our coach for volleyball was a national champion, he beat our whole class in a game of volleyball, 30 students against one coach and he still won!

My favorite class was computer engineering that’s why I chose Electrical engineering for university.

How is it being in engineering in UWaterloo?

Well I don’t get much free time because of it. But when I do I like to go out, try new things, and meet new people. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but when I do it is usually football games or Game of Thrones. I’m starting to read the books for it too.

Favorite football team?

The Pittsburgh Steelers. I actually like them because I have family that lives there, so its cheering on the family team. They still have good players too though, so they’re pretty good.

If you can be any character from Game of Thrones who would it be?

Jon Snow is probably my favorite character!

How about your favorite scene?

There are too many to choose from, but I think if I were to narrow it down to the last season, and sorry to anyone who didn’t watch it yet, it is when Terrian kills his father, most intense scene in the last season!

What do you want to do after graduation?

Well preferably get a job as an electrical engineer, and then I want to work on my start-up. I want to work on something that would make it easier and motivate more people to stay fit. Because in engineering we sit down most of time for don’t have time to work out and turn into couch potatoes, so my start-up would keep everyone waiting for their next workout with friends.

Instagram: @parmveeer

Muslim, Palestinian, Social Development Studies Major - Education Specialization. I like politics, and always want to move forward in life.
I am a super friendly person! I have bright Green eyes that smile almost as big as I do! My favourite season is Winter and it's not just because I am a proud Canadian. I am enrolled in the Planning Program in the Faculty of Planning, and I am super excited for my first year. My friend Sav and I are Her Campus correspondents for the Chapter at Waterloo! Super excited! The outdoors is one of my favourite places to be . I love to read magazines, books, and fun interesting facts. I love fashion and trying new and different styles. I am constantly redecorating my room to make it feel even more like home and to show off who I am.