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6 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Reading Week

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Reading week, the break we’ve all been waiting for, is finally on its way! It’s time to kick back, catch up with friends, and try out all those fun things we’ve been dreaming about. But let’s face it — between classes, assignments, and exams, it’s easy to let reading week slip by without actually doing any of the stuff you had in mind.  But hey, it’s all good! With a bit of planning and a whole lot of energy, you can make reading week a time to remember. So, let’s make it happen; here are six fun activities to try while you’re on break. Hopefully, you’ll come back to class with some exciting stories to tell, feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the semester! 

  1. PowerPoint night with friends

You’ve seen the trend — now it’s time to try it yourself! Come up with some funny and creative slide decks about any kind of topic. Want to shed light on the toxic traits of Disney characters? Your friends as starter packs? For the best experience, get cozy, stock up on some snacks, and find a TV to present all of your hot takes with. This is the ultimate bonding opportunity to catch up with friends, whether you haven’t seen them in a while, or even if you see each other everyday.

  1. Create a vision board

Vision boards are a great way to map out your goals and keep yourself motivated. They’re also a great way to self-reflect and they’re very easy to create digitally. Just go on Canva, Google Slides, or another type of design software, and paste a layout of photos that resonate with what you want to accomplish in the near future. Or, if you’re looking for a more hands-on experience, go grab some magazines, scissors, glue, and a poster board! Start cutting out pictures, quotes, and words that inspire you. Then, arrange them in a way that represents your vision for the future. It’s a fun, creative, and empowering activity that will help you stay focused on what matters most to you.

  1. Try out a new cafe or restaurant

Reading week is the perfect opportunity to step out of your normal routine and explore a new cafe or restaurant. You deserve to treat yourself! Try out some delicious food and drinks, and immerse yourself in a new atmosphere. It’s a fun and exciting way to break up the monotony of everyday life and experience something new. Try a new bubble tea place in your area, look around for a board game cafe, or eat a meal from a culture you’ve never tried before. 

  1. Revive an old hobby or start a new one

If I had a dollar for every hobby I’ve tried and let go in my life, well, I’d have at least enough to try something from a new cafe or restaurant. In university, it’s pretty hard to prioritize your hobbies when there are so many other things flying your way all at once. Read, paint, try a new form of dance, or get back into those 10-minute Youtube workouts from 2020. If you take the time to build on a hobby you love during this reading week, it’s a great reminder that you can always create moments for yourself to find and do things you love, even throughout the school year.

  1. Go to an escape room

To really level up your break, try an escape room! It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned pro or a first-timer, escape rooms are guaranteed to bring the fun. Choose a difficulty level, book a room, and put your main-character-stuck-in-a-movie skills to the test. It’ll also be another great opportunity to hang out with friends or reconnect with those you haven’t seen in a while. Think you’ll be able to escape perfectly and smoothly the first time? Probably won’t happen, but it’s all part of the fun. Plus, you’ll be sure to be stuck in an unforgettable situation that you’ll remember for years to come. 

  1. Recharge

Taking the time to recharge during your reading week is essential for both your mental and physical health. We’re so on-the-go all the time with the demands of school and everyday life, that it’s easy to not realize how burnt out and overwhelmed we might feel. That’s why it’s so important to set aside some time just for you, to relax, unwind, and recharge your batteries. Whether you choose to meditate, sleep, or just binge-watch your favorite show, taking a break from the hustle and bustle is the perfect way to refresh your mind and body. Don’t feel pressured to accomplish everything you have planned to do during reading week (whether it’s school or personal times) — leave some for the rest of the year too!

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Doreen Shtylla

Waterloo '27

Hi! My name is Doreen, and I'm in the AFM program at uWaterloo. I love to read, dance, paint, play volleyball, and hang out with friends. I'm excited to contribute some great articles, happy reading!